Oops? ~ Sehun

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You had half an hour before the other members got home, but that changes nothing. You wanted him, and it was obvious he wanted you.

Sehun pushed you against the wall, kissing you; he begging for dominance as his hands slipped under your coat and pushed it off, leaving his hands on your shoulders, letting him pull you closer into the kiss as he turned his head for a new angle. You reached for his head and tugged his hair; he pulled away from your lips and greeted your neck. Kissing soft circles around your soft spot, his hand found its way under your shirt as the other kept him steady against the wall. A soft moan pressed against your lips as his long thumb did laps around you belly button and his lips graced your neck.

"You're so soft." He said at your ear lobe before taking it between his teeth. He sucked so softly, so sweetly, you felt your eyebrows push together as the moan you had been holding escaped from your lips. He let you ear free and moved down your neck past your collarbone, his hand pushed your shirt up and he grabbed it, pulling it over your head before you could say anything. He tossed it behind him and carried on; he turned diagonal at your collarbone so that he was in the middle of your chest. Kissing his way down the center of your bra, his teased you with his warm lips.

"Black looks good on you." He said between kisses, he always liked when you wore black underwear. You held his head as he kisses his way over to the underside of your breast.

"Help me out with this, will you." He said tugging at the base of your bra while he knelt down to be face with your torso. His lips rested on your left side, just shy of your belly button when he started tugging at the skin with his lips. You reached behind you and unclasped your bra, sliding down your arms you tossed it to the other side of the room.

"Prefect," Sehun said, moving from your stomach up to your breasts. He greeted your nipple with his tongue, tasting you before bringing his lips around the base. He moaned as he bobbed his head, taking his mouth down to the base and pulled up to the tip. His other hand massaging the other, you moaned as his twisted your nipple between his fingers.

Your hands found his hair, pushing him into your chest; you never wanted this to end. As if he heard your thoughts he broke away from your breasts, suddenly cold from his absents. Sehun met your eyes with a sly smile riding on his lips and you took it as a personal responsibility to remove it.

Keeling down in front of him you crashed your lips on his, kissing him as passionate as possible. He returned your kiss with rough hands against your thighs; pulling you closer to him as your hand tangled themselves in his hair. You moaned into his mouth and he pushed deeper, his tongue dominating your mouth. He slid his hand up to your waist and laid you down on the floor before undoing the button on his pants.

He removed himself from the clothes he had on and his hands came down on either side of your waist, grabbing the cloth of your skirt he – ever so slowly- slid it down your thighs leaving you in nothing but your lace black panties.

His mouth returned to you, his tongue pushing against yours as his hand slid down your belly and over your sex. You moaned as his started rubbing you through your panties.

"You like that?" He said still rubbing you in all the right ways. You nodded up at him as he made his way back to your lips. He pushed your panties to the side and slipped two fingers inside you, immediately you moaned his name, arcing your back pushing him inside you more. A chuckle came from his throat and you knew he was enjoying the effect he had on you, but you suddenly remember how much you enjoyed have an effect on him.

He pulled out of you about to go back in but before he could you pushed his chest away. The look of surprise on his face was enough evidence that you won, but you wanted to make him scream. His red hot member stared up at you; you looked at it before taking it into your hand. Stroking it slowly, Sehun moaned under his breath as you did.

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