Room 1185 (Yixing Sehun)

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Yo. You should probably read Under The Table first.

The nights sky was absolutely beautiful. The dark colors were somehow comforting. Maybe it had something to do with how high up you were, or just the hotels genius directing of the windows.

You stood in front of the glass in Yixings white shirt. A few of the buttons had been removed due to some prior aggression, and you had found the panties he had stollen from you at the dinner table and slipped those on as well.

He had teased you under the table while his members were eating just right in front of you. The thought made you blush so you tried to push it out of your mind. But you couldn't just push it out if your mind.

Sehun had winked at you. He had seen you. You knew he knew what Yixing was doing to you. He had to know.

Arms snaked around your waist and chest. You smile as you hear the low hum from behind you. You place your hands onto Yixings skin.  He takes a step back and with your body trapped in between his arms, so do you.

Yixing turns and returns his arms to your body. His lips coming to your neck before he leans down and takes you with him.

You feel the bed under your back and you twist under him to get more comfortable as he moves lower to kiss your chest. His fingers run over the cleavage cut of the shirt. The popped buttons leaving nothing but thread nubs. You bite your lip as you look down at him, Yixing was completely naked. His skin was so beautiful in the moon light.

Yixing looks up from your stomach and bites his lips as he comes up and kisses you. You wrap your arms around his shoulders as you push your tongue into his mouth. You hear him inhale from his nose and feel the warm breath onto your cheek as he exhales.

A loud knock shakes through the room and you slowly release his shoulders as your head turns toward the sound.

"Did you order something?" You ask as you wonder when room service stopped or if they ever did.

Yixing leaves your question with you as he stands and walks toward the door. You loose sight of him and play with the shirt instead. Pulling it open as you lay back on the bed and push your hands up above your head. You hear the shuffling sound of Yixings feet marching their way back to you so you push up on your arms. Confusion spreads on your features as you see him empty handed.

"Who was it?" You ask as he approaches the bed. You blush with the thought of the hotel workers face when he saw Yixing naked.

Yixing says nothing as he grabs you in his arms and presses his lips into yours with a low but soft hum. Your eyebrows push towards each other but then his tongue flicks on your lip and bliss spreads through your body so you part your mouth to give him access.

His arms hold you tighter as his hand runs up your back against the wrinkled white material of his shirt. Yixings hands find your neck under your hair and he pushes on your lips harder.

A clicking sound pushes into your ears and your eyebrows push together again as you hear the door close. Why didn't Yixing close it before he came back?

Yixings teeth come to your lip and pull as your eyes open. To the right of the bed stands Sehun in a loose shirt and dark pants.

"Yixing." You say, your eyes not leaving Sehuns face.

Yixing pushes his head under your chin and flicks his head up softly before kissing your neck. Your head turns to give him room, but your hands on his shoulders tighten. Yixing starts to kiss lower and when he tries to push you into the bed your core flexes and you stay sitting.

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