Kinky Kai

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He pushed you down on the bed.

Reaching up, he pulled off his shirt and climbed over your legs, his lips crashed on your stomach as he pushed up your shirt. His kissed softly yet impatiently, his lips everywhere. His nose rubbed on you stomach as his leg pushed between yours, you tried to play hard to get, flexing your legs to make it harder for him. He moaned against you and pushed his leg between yours and continued kissing you. He moved to your left side, slowly suckling harshly and passionately next to your belly button. You grabbed his his head with both hands and tried to pull his head up so you could have a turn with his lips, but he was a lot stronger. His hands slid down your arms from your shoulders up to your wrists, and clutched onto them.
He slammed your arms on either side of your head. The sound it made on the mattress was kind of a turn on. You bit your lip. His hands tightened around your wrists, his luscious lips found your neck, kissing in a small circle two times and then sucking in middle. You arch your back trying to get as close to him as possible with no hands but his grip tightens. You pull against his hands out of surprise as his hands push you into the bedding. He pulls away from your slightly soar neck and looks down at you.

"Where are you going?" He says, his voice raspy from not of talking for so long. If he's out of breath he's not showing it.

"Nowhere." You push out shyly with whatever air your lungs could find, his fingers relax, but only a little.

"Good." He mumbles as he bends down to the other side of your neck.

His tongue is against your neck, it takes you all of two characters to realize he's tracing the Hangul Alphabet on your neck. His right hand releases your left and glides down your side, stopping at your backside and tightens. You use the freedom to run your hand up is neck and through his hair. You can feel his strength through your jeans.

The Alphabet song is over and he pulls up, inhaling on the way to your face. His eyes meet your and he wastes no time. His lips crash into yours. Finally. He runs his tongue over the crease in you lips, demanding entrance. You grant it with a without hesitation and the exploration starts. His hand finds your free one and takes it as his prisoner. Roughly placing your hand back to the side of your head he pushes his tongue inside you. Pushing you farther into the bed, he slowly and carefully grinds against you, his body moving like a single wave. You moan into his mouth and he waves against you again. As if it were a reward.

His lips part with yours as his hands leave your wrists only to wonder under your shirt. His fingers slip under your bra as he returns to the kiss. He massages your breast as his kisses you, finding new angles to explore your mouth with. His fingers abandon your breasts and he yanks at the him of your shirt. He peels you out of it and tosses it to the other side of the room. He grinds against you as he comes back down and reunites the kiss.

You wrap your legs around his waist, folding and then flexing your ankles you push with all your might to flip him.

Quickly; he parts from the kiss, his grip tightens on your forearms and he slams his pelvis against yours with an exhale, pushing you deeper into the bed. Your ankles relax with defeat.

He looks at you; a smirk on his face.

"It's not gonna be that easy." He says releasing your arms and sitting up on his knees. Locked underneath him you follow his hands to his waist. He pulls up his shirt to reveal a belt, slowly reaching for it his eyes explore your body. Your hair everywhere your shirt no longer present, your sky blue bra staring up at him. His smile widens, but before his hands could reach his belt your hands were there. You grab the waist of his pants your fingers slipping inside the band of his boxers, and pull yourself up. He rolls his head back as he flexes his waist to make sure he didn't fall. While he's looking at the sealing you slowly start undoing his belt, once the belt was undone you slid his zipper down. He moaned and rolled his head back you face you.

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