Under the table (Yixing)

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You took a deep breath as you sat on the seat. Yixings strong hands pushing it to the table. You gasp as you quickly look up at him before telling yourself to breath again.

Yixing smiles at you kindly before claiming the seat next to you. The table had four other people at it that weren't Yixing and yourself. You were nervous.

Yixing leaned closer into you and you take a deep breath filled with his comforting cologne.

"Don't be nervous, baby." Yixing said with an assuring tone.

"I'm not nervous." You quickly defended.

Yixing smiled and pulled up into his own space at the table. A new scent quickly filed into your nose. You looked toward the strong sweet smell.

Sehun nodded at you with a smile as he flicked out his napkin to lay over his knee.

You smiled awkwardly as you balled your fist up on your thigh and looked to the tall ceiling. Yixings hand came to your clenched one. His soft touch letting you exhale.

"What's good here?" Jongin asked as he played with his menu.

"I'll order for everyone, if you'd like." Junmyun offered.

You watched as Sehun shook his head to decline as Yixings hand flattens on your thigh and pushes in and up a bit, causing you to bring in your bottom lip between your teeth.

Yixing leans into your space again and your eyes widen at his sudden closeness. In every way.

"Get this." Sehun said as he pointed to something on Jongins menu.

"It's really good." He assured as Yixing pushed up your dress to make room for his large hand.

"What is it?" Kyungsoo asked as he abandoned his own menu to look over at Jongins.

"You're so tight, Y/N." Yixing teases quietly.

He knew that you loved it when he talked dirty to you, but now wasn't the time. Was it?

Yixings fingers ran over your panties one by one and you pull your lip between your teeth again.

A sharp looking waiter came over to refill a few of the waters before asking if we were all ready to order. Yixings fingers pushed against your panties with the tips of his fingers. You held in your hum as he pressed on your clit before rubbing the spot softly. Your fabric adding more friction to his fingers.

You opened your mouth but then remembered that you couldn't moan so you closed your lips with a hum. Junmyun gave the last order and the waiter was off.

"Aww." Junmyun purred.

You realize your action most likely looked like a yawn. You want to apologize for the rude action but Yixings fingers start to move faster.

"Are you tired, Y/N ah?" Junmyun asked as Yixing pushed aside your panties and continued to rub your sex.

"Yes." You say weakly before snapping yourself out of it and looking up at Junmyun.

"I had a long flight." You answer before you swallow hard.

Sehun hums with a nod before turning the tables attention to Jongin.

"You just got here too, right?" He asked with a point of his fingers and Jongin nodded.

Yixings fingers pinch at your clit before he tugs on your panties even more. You were siting on them so his tug did nothing but rushed anticipation and desire through your shaking body.

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