Lock The Door Luhan

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A cookie would be nice. You think walking down the hall leading to Super Junior and EXOs waiting rooms with the snack bar in between them. A cookie would be nice. Something sweet in general, maybe a cookie and banana milk? Yes. That would be perfect.

You find the snack bar, scanning for the items you want. You hear a soft buzz, looking under the table you see a row of mini fridges. Score. Opening one that just had Cola in it and another that only had water, you finely find one with rice and banana milk in it. You grab a banana milk and jump up to look at the table.

Suddenly someone grabs you from behind. It's no surprise who it is; Luhan. Unless it's not, what if it's Sehun? That would be a surprise. With one arm around you, his hand under your arm. He lifts you, swinging you into an abandoned hallway. He turns his face to you. Luhan. With pursed lips and a finger over them, silently shushing you he pushes you against the wall.

"But I wanted a cookie," You said looking up at his smile. His eyebrows pull together.

"Oh," He said turning towards the hall. He reached for the table pushing up the sleeve to his gray hoodie as he went. The cookies were on the edge of the table so he didn't have to reach much. Sticking the top half of his body out from the hall his legs in front of yours, he grabbed a cookie.

He pulled back into the hallway and placed the cookie in your mouth.

"Now shush." He said pushing up his other sleeve and bending down to your neck. He kissed you, little soft kisses and then he pushed his lips into your neck, making you sway from the sudden push. You let out a soft, quiet moan from around the cookie and then took it out of your mouth. "Luhan," You said in a whisper. He replied with a shushing sound against your neck. The vibration tickled. He started sucking on your neck and another soft moan escaped your lips.

Luhan pushed you back harder against the wall, inhaling deeply on your neck. Warm, cold, warm, cold. The pattern of his breathing. His hand slipped under the edge of your shirt. His cold hand gently started its was up your belly. You inhaled against the cold and he grabbed you from beneath the shirt. Pulling you back and against the wall on the other side of the hallway. Pushing you against the new cold wall. His hand found its way to the base of your bra, slipping two fingers under the wire and running them ever so slowly around to the clasp.

You pulled his hair back forcing his lips to part from your slightly sore neck. His face was covered with pleasure and had a hint of surprise on it. Catching the cookie that almost fell from the two fingers it was pinned between you looked up him.

"We're in a hallway," You started, staring at him. Knowing four doors down was Super Juniors waiting room.

"Oh, right." He said, a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. His chest was rising and falling fast, you were sure Super Junior could hear him. Ignoring his own difficultly breathing, Luhan grabbed your hand, the one that didn't have the cookie and milk in it and pulled you out of the hall. Towards the hall opposite from this one. Exos hall.

You passed two doors, the grip on his hand stronger than ever, as if he didn't want to let you go in the Exo hall. You looked up at him, the side of his face had so much determination on it you couldn't help but to smile. When you came to the fourth door it swung open. Luhan jerked your hand making you fall into him as he turned slightly and pushed you against the wall with his back. You were shorter than him so whoever it was wouldn't see you unless they looked behind him.

"Oh Hyung," A voice that could only belong to Sehun said. "I'm going to the snack bar, do you want anything?" He asked.

"No" Luhan said, so smoothly that it made you even more attracted to him. Sehun went down the hall and when Luhan was sure he wouldn't turn back he turned to you, placing his index finger on your lips, pursing his. Yes Yes, I get it. You thought. His hand slid down you arm to your hand and he pulled back with shock. Looking down you saw the milk and cookies, why do I still have these, you thought. Looking back up at him he was smiling. To your left on the other side of the hallway there was a table, you took the two steps over there and put down the milk balancing the cookie on the lid.

Luhan grabbed your arm and pulled you into a door so quickly you didn't get to see if the cookie had fallen.

He closed the door, pushed you against it and instead of saying anything he just went to work on the other side of your neck. Manly Luhan. You smiled. He sucked on your neck and his hand slipped under the hem of your shirt, as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, milk and cookies." You heard someone say from against the door. Baekhyun? Luhan undid the clasp of your bra."Sehun, are these yours?" He asked. Sehun must have shaken his head. "Do you know if there Kyungsoos?" Yeah defiantly Baekhyun.

You turned your head and Luhan lifted his. You grabbed the back of his neck with both hands and using your arms against his shoulders you pulled yourself up and wrapped your legs around his waist. He pulled out his arm and rested his hand against the door for support. You pulled his head up forcing him to look at you and you kissed him.

He turned around but you kept kissing him. You felt something on the back of your legs and he laid you down on a sofa. You pushed yourself up so you were almost laying down but not quite.

He grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head. What was it about the way guys take their shirts off? He tossed it over the side of the sofa and crawled over your legs. Pausing at your shorts only to unbutton them and then reaching for your face. You let him bring you closer and kiss you. He kissed you with passion, desire, lust, love. You felt all of it.

You threw your shorts and felt around for his belt. He moaned as your hands wondered looking for his buckle. You found his belt and he pulled back so you could reach it better. He watched your hands undo his buckle and button but never stepped in to help you. You tugged his pants down around his thighs and he pushed you back down onto the sofa.

He kissed you and then he moved to your neck. Slowly making a line of taunting kisses down your jawline, the middle of your neck, down your chest. Stopping at your breasts, he grabbed one with his hand and kissed the other. Sucking on your nipple and kneading with his hand, you let out a moan of joy and he came back up to your lips. You felt him against you, down there. His hand wondered by the side of your head until you realized he was looking for something. You broke this kiss.

"What are you-" He grabbed your cheek and kissed you as his hand kept searching. He found his pants breaking the kiss to fumble around the pockets. He checked them all and then pulled out his wallet.

"Come on." He muttered as he cracked it open. He paused, looked down at you with his eyebrows drawn, his lips in a line. It took you a second.

"Oh!" You said. "There's one in my pocket." You said and he scanned the room for your shorts.

He leaped off the sofa and headed toward the door where you shorts were thrown. He bent down and grabbed them and as he did the door opened. Not all the way but in that moment you were happy the sofa covered you. Quickly Luhan slammed his hand against the door forcing it shut.

"You okay, Hyung?" Someone asked.

"Yeah, just looking for my phone." Luhan answered.

"Okay." The guy on the other side said. Luhan made his way back to you.

"Hey," You said, he paused looking down at you. "Lock the door Luhan."

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