Making a ruin of me

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All he could feel was a searing burning sensation in his head, raising his hands up to his head as if trying to set the flames out. Silverspoon's eyes watered as he felt himself curl in on himself, falling to his knees and hitting the carpeted flooring, his chest heaving in and out, in and out. Grunting and baring his teeth, the words and people around him seemed like shadow puppets, out of focus and ringing words through his ears.

Silver knew he looked pitiful and he knew he probably looked like a toddler for overreacting to being hurt, but he couldn't care less right now. He didn't want to be touched by anyone, to be around anyone, to be here crying on the floor in pain. Silverspoon wanted out.

What had happened was pretty simple. Bowbot had ended up winning Invitational and Mephone4 had finally let go of Inanimate Insanity, taking Ballpoint's critique quite well and accepting he couldn't keep going forever. And so, the eliminated and the winner had been allowed to stay at the hotel, courtesy of Orange Juice himself. With that, everyone had begun settling in and that's where we land now.

Silverspoon had been lurking around the commons livingroom, watching as Candle spoke with Goo, who seemed quite mesmerized by the object's aura reading abilities. He could hear Trophy and someone he couldn't exactly remember by their voice seemingly arguing or talking very passive aggressively. Eh, none of his business. That was till Trophy began messing with Candle's wiccan items she had set on one of the side tables, mainly the metal prongs she had used to knock out Yinyang on the competition.

Something he had picked up from his slight rivalry with her was that she absolutely hated having her wiccan possessions touched by anyone but her. Candle turned with Goo following her and began talking to Trophy, telling him to put it down while trying to grab at it. Of course, Trophy began teasing her and pulled the prongs away from her. The three were now playing 'monkey in the middle' with a pair of prongs before Trophy seemed to see Silverspoon from across the room not exactly paying much attention.

The golden metal object took the prongs and whipped it at the spoon without much of a warning. "Silver, catch!"

He slightly jumped in his metal before turning his attention to the incoming prong set.

There was a huge pain and a shatter heard, metal shards exploded from the spoon's head as the prongs crashed into him. His eyes widened before shutting tightly closed and grabbing onto the wall for support.

Holding onto his head, he could feel the rigged cracks on his once delicate head, and more importantly the blood washing down his face from the injury. He felt awfully sick from this, his head pounding as he felt blood leak from himself onto the carpet, shards of metal laid scattered across the floor as he saw Goo's body and who he guessed were Trophy's and Candle's feet.

Someone had grabbed him by his waist yet he just couldn't have the heart to uncurl, he didn't make a sound other than the occasional grunt from his bared teeth. Nothing mattered, the only thing he could feel or focus on was the pain his head was in.

His body was giving up and giving into the torture and slowly but surely, the spoon dropped his consciousness and fell into the void of sleep.

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The next thing the spoon could see was when he woke up, Silver shifted his eyes around slowly, his brain not processing things as quickly as usual.

From what he did know, he seemed to be in Soap's office, I mean with such an uptight and clean office who else would it be? The owner wasn't in his section of the room, rather off talking to someone he couldn't recognize. His eyes looked back to the ceiling before throwing himself into a sitting position, letting a free hand touch his head.

Grazing his head, he felt his hand fall into the broken cracks. A huge chunk of his metal was just... gone. He knew a sensible reaction to something like this was to cry, to scream, to do anything but sit there in silence, yet he couldn't do anything. He didn't feel anything, anything but annoyance and anger. And still, Silver kept quiet, no change in his leaning posture and no facial changes. Nothing but acceptance to his new fate.

Was he supposed to feel something? Other than the burn of pain in his head and the feeling of anger bubbling in his gut, there was nothing else.

There was a dread that he felt, the feeling of emptiness and the loneliness he felt in this clean ass hospital-like room. Silverspoon hated it.

Wanting to feel something, the spoon reached over onto a medical tray and grabbed a scalpel. Why it was there didn't even cross his mind as he flipped it in one hand before leaning the blade downwards to his arm. It dug in, quite deeply may I add. To Silver, there was a major wave of pleasure to know that he wasn't completely numb, that he could still feel one thing other than anger; pain. Leaving it held in the cut for a few seconds, he let it leave his arm and watched as streams and beads of his own dark purple-ish blood rose to the surface of his metal skin.

Silverspoon leaned his arm next to his mouth, hoping to stop the blood flow by stopping it with his mouth. The metallic tang sent shivers down his spine, yet it wasn't in a bad tone. The spoon actually quite liked it and continued to do it. He ended up feeling a bit lightheaded and retracted to see the cut was still red yet it had stopped.

The object licked his lips... if he even has fucking lips? It tasted pretty good and he was a bit shocked in himself to admit that. The worse thing is he wanted more, he wanted more hurt, more pain, more blood. Something that helped him know that he was still there in the room and still breathed the same air as his friends.


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