And still nobody wants me!!

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Days and nights slowly passed, the disturbance was still in effect but thankfully the fear and anger had softened. Everyday, he felt himself slowly lose weight and become awfully bony, as if his own flesh had been falling off of the bone. In reality, that was due to intake of nothing but flesh. Silverspoon knew he was getting weaker yet he still had two targets left, two more worthless fucks to remove from society and eat, what else were they good for anyways?

Ever since he returned with Paintbrush from Candle's resting place, the enby had refused to let him sleep in his own room and had opted to let him sleep in their bed. Now he wasn't complaining, god every day his stomach fluttered realizing it was another day staying with Painty. Unknown to the prince, the brush had noticed the weight-loss and was trying to figure out what was happening to their… "friend"... sure, that's what he is.

Silvia knew there was a knowing presence within the hotel walls, and he knew she was going to come for him at some point. Although that date was still a blur for him, he couldn't wait too long, unless he wanted Cabby to reveal his cannibalistic ways. Surely over the past days of recovery, the killer had plotted how he'd kill her, silently studying her routine and habits so he'd know exactly when to strike.

In his free time, he had begun writing his confession. Silver knew he was weak as he is now and he was unsure of when he'd fall himself, and just to make sure society knew it'd stop after he was dead. There were two separate ones, one for the whole hotel and one for Paintbrush. He didn't want to think about what would happen to them afterwards.

Soon enough the days began narrowing and blurring together for him as he stalked his prey like a predator. And sure enough it was time.

It started simple, getting into her room.

Opening the door and walking in, he closed and locked it right afterwards. Seeing a clean yet still messy interior, he crept forwards, placing his feet on the floor with an arch to minimize the pressure on the floor.

Along the wall lay a bulletin board, filled with strings, references and images of the folks in the hotel, all leading to a polaroid of himself placed directly in the middle. She had physically figured out it was him, christ.

"Are you here to kill me, Silverspoon?"

He whipped around to see Cabby, she held a knife up pointed at him, her arm was slightly shaking making the weapon wobbly. Silver held a blank monotone face to her as he smirked.

"I mean, you have me figured out, why wouldn't I?" The carpet squeaked as he put a foot out.

"Don't you fucking dare come closer," The cabinet warned, raising the knife. "Why are you doing this? Aren't we friends?"

"Simple," The cannibal blanked. "I was ruined, shaken maybe. Now I'm fucking hungry. And I help myself by killing unworthy souls. A win-win situation don't you say?"

He could see the illumination against salty tears forming in her eyes as she shook, biting back whimpers. "You're a monster, I thought maybe there'd be a way to save you but god you're too far gone. They didn't deserve to die!"

That's when he became hysterical, laughing his ass off. "You truly think they deserved to live? They were fucking assholes!!"

Cabby shook violently, her hand unsure now. "What… What the fuck?!"

Then, the prince charged, pulling her to the floor while knocking the knife out of hand and holding her said hands down to the carpet. She thrashed and did slip through a bit since the spoon was weak, but was still stuck firmly to the floor with him above her.

"It's really a shame it's ending like this, Cabby," His voice sounded elegant and sweet, which didn't match what he was saying. "You were the best player I had,"

Cabby tried thrashing again yet failed, instead spitting words and digging her fingers into the carpet. "Sit on a dick, bitch,"

"You wish," Silverspoon traced her figure with his blades. "Perfection goes a long way, yet you? You don't make the cut my dear,"

With that, the blades plunged deeply into her stomach cavity, screaming bloody murder as the red substance flung practically everywhere. The spoon twiddled his digits before grabbing onto some organ, he wasn't some kinda biology freak so why'd he know which one it was? Using the knives on his hands, he tore it apart from the links to the rest of the organs, internally starting to bleed from the cuts and gashes.

Her screams, whimpers and cries began falling quiet as she stopped moving, probably to stop the possibility of causing a worse injury or maybe she was giving up. Silver leaned in, feasting upon the now open insides. She wriggled slightly before going limp, a sudden cold shiver coming from her corpse.

Silver stood up, dark blood staining his cold metallic face as he grinned madly, letting his stained fangs show. "Goodnight you insufferable ratty bitch,"

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The next morning was surely an event to remember.

Fan had ended up finding the corpse, and was now shaking and crying madly.

She was strung up from the ceiling, a noose wrapped around her neck area. It would've been an alright excuse of death if it wasn't for the massive wound on her stomach. It leaked blood which dripped into the carpet, her intestine strung slightly out so it could feel the air. What was more messed up was the board.

Bloody handprints and splatters covered the once clean board, images of those fallen were torn into pieces by claw scratches. The worrying thing was the Silverspoon image, it had also been clawed out. Meaning he was next.

The words "TRY AGAIN" were drawn in the victim's blood on the wall above the board.

And the first verbal thing said that day?


Needless to say, she received many glares and stares by the grieving group. The air in the dead's room was thick and consuming of the scared objects, while some investigated, most left to continue life without Cabby.

Silverspoon was about to wander off when a certain brush grabbed him by the arm, causing him to slightly flinch in fear.

"No you don't!" Painty exclaimed, beginning to drag him outside. "You're not leaving my side you prissy prince,"

The spoon's round yet cracked face flushed slightly. "Wha?"

"You say it, they're gonna kill you next," Paintbrush said, he could tell they were trying to be as calm and emotionless about the subject. "I'm not letting you go till we know everything is safe,"


He could get used to this.

"That's a spoon!!??"
"And that's an ugly ratty bitch!!"

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