That good old fashioned Razzmatazz

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Although the world seemed crooked from the recent murder, the two tools were getting along in the twisting mysteries together. Silverspoon never really knew how much Paintbrush could cry, however it wasn't such a bad thing since he got to hold his beloved. He knew that his love was one-sided at this point, it burned bitterly in his gut every time they were close, and yet a darker side of him clung to the thought of them being in love.

I mean that caused this all in a way? Silver's undying attachment to the enby, yet also revenge for what they did to his precious face. That haunting crack that spiralled from the top of his head down to almost his eye, what marked him as who he was now.

Silverspoon knew his ending was soon, the fire he lit was finally catching up to him. There was a lot of blood tracked on his hands from each murder, even more staining his teeth.

Why leave the world without a bang? Silvia had ended so many helpless lives, almost every witness to his accident, except for the culprit himself. He chose not to kill Goo, something felt extremely morally wrong about killing him, although Trophy wasn't free from the same punishment.

The moon had risen a while ago, the contestants and neighbours had fallen into almost endless sleep as two souls stirred wide awake. Trophy had gone down to get some water to ease himself, stepping into the dark kitchen and opening the fridge, letting in the illumination bounce off of surfaces around him. Humming to himself quietly, he grabbed a water bottle yet paused midway through getting up from his crouch.

The air had run cold, signalling that there was another mass in the room.

Swerving around, Trophy was met with a silver metal body covered with a dark purple patchy coat. "Silverspoon?"

"What are you doing, punk?" The gold metal object scoffed, attempting to hide the fear he felt. "Tryna scare me with your present?"

Silver didn't answer, just swaying slightly in the dark. His tall stature intimidated the prize although he hated to admit it, something about the dark of the night and the blank stare the utensil held set him completely on edge once again.

"Seriously what the fuck-"

Trophy was caught off guard when he was cornered against the sink, having one of the spoon's hands holding him down by the chest region and the other reaching behind his back. He stared at Silverspoon's eyes trying to see anything that would explain what the fuck was happening. What he could see was a sense of intense bloodlust, violent intents translating to his hands. Trophy wasn't going to make it to morning was he?

Trophy fought against his weaker arms, although let himself stop after a while willingly.

Silvia held him firmly before pulling him forwards then slamming his upper half into the sink's overhang, cracking the porcelain and causing spiralling cracks to form along Trophy's rim. Something told him that he was fighting back the sense to scream and yell from the injury.

Letting the prize crumble to the floor, he stared down menacingly.

It wasn't long till Silver began dragging him along the tiles to the oven, suddenly gaining at least a bit of resistance from him. Opening the hatch, Silverspoon somehow stuffed a grown-ass Trophy into an oven. Leaning against the now closed hatch, he stopped the kicking and attempts of opening it by the victim.

Slowly, he turned and cranked the small nob powering the heat, hearing banging and pounding from within.

It was quite brutal awaiting his victim but he was pleasantly surprised by the melted dirty golden corpse that came out. He was barely hanging on before he committed his final blow on his corpse. Killing him partially inside the small fucking oven.

After doing it, he turned to see a frightened object in the doorway.

Smaller than most contestants, Goo quivered in the doorframe. He had seen it all.

Silver slowly approached, seeming paralysing the object before stopping in front of him. His morals against killing him stood strong, instead just smiling and patting the puddle's head, walking off towards the stairs.

He knew he was going to tell, quite a shame the one he just couldn't kill had quite a blabbermouth. And so the last kill had happened and now, it was time to go out with a bang.

The cold sun rose slowly that morning, a painful drone seemed to be among the hotel, with the free trauma that comes with the murder.

Seemed like this time, everyone had found his body in the kitchen.

He was laying on his back in the middle of the room, his chest region was completely torn open with guts and organs exposed. What was haunting was that his face was completely gone, not melted like his body, but taken right off. His eyes were gone too, nothing but muscle and flesh.

It made a lot of the hotel regulars sick or disgusted.

Although Fan had wandered closer, taking a better look at the body.

"Oh sweet" He spoke sarcastically as he ripped something from the corpse. "Killer left us something to eat,"

Knowing he was joking in a cruel way yet still being curious, Paintbrush stood up from the crowd and came closer.

It was then when they realized what he meant.

Along the opened skin and inside of the innards were spoons from the kitchen drawer, there were a lot of them; probably the entire spoon section of the drawer.

But something was clear,

Gazing back into the crowd of objects, there was everyone but a certain utensil.


Next is the last chapter so uh. SORRY,??? LMAO.

Anyways have fun with this 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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