I'd do whatever I could do

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Chirps of crickets and whistles of nighttime creatures bounced off of Paintbrush's walls as they laid quietly in their bed, an awful dread swam in their stomach like fish. Both their closest friend currently and said friend's rival were missing, for around probably 3 days now. According to a few voices, they left the hotel together and neither had come back since.

Of course the brush was worried since there was a murder a week ago, but the fact it was Silverspoon that was missing hit harder. From what they knew, no feelings were there for him and it was strictly a platonic coping friendship. Just... something was off, they were more scared, more worried about the utensil than the wiccan which they felt a bit bad for.

Painty pulled themselves into a sitting position, letting the bed covers fall to around their waist area. The room was dark and unwelcoming to them, the only thing they could see was the outlines of multiple furniture pieces laid around the room. They pulled themselves to their feet, grabbing the cover and letting it lay across their shoulders like a cape.

They needed to get out for a bit, the dark and the noises hurt their ears as they travelled and unlocked their door. The hallway was also dark, thankfully it was carpeted and only slightly squeaked as they walked down. Reaching the stairs, they held a hand over the railing yet didn't touch it, to make sure if they fell; they wouldn't go all the way down.

The kitchen wasn't much different, dark and mysterious with bits of light leaking from the fridge. Leaning down a bit, the artists opened the fridge and pulled out a jar of jam. Sandwich time. Swiftly, they made a jam sandwich and were about to eat it when something from the window caught their attention.

Outside in the dark, at the entrance of the woods was movement. Unlike any animals they knew lived there, it wasn't normal, it was from an object.


Jumping a bit, Paintbrush grabbed the sandwich roughly and held onto their cover to make sure it wouldn't fall off. And they ran.

Still making sure to keep quiet, the brush quickly opened the front door and booked it to where the figure was. It seemed to realize something was running towards it since it started running into the woods. Yet Painty persisted and continued chasing the figure.

The two ran till they entered a clearing, a clearing with matted ground, stains and rocks. And a certain crystal.

Silver had stopped right in front of the patch, a certain brush falling behind him and stopping.

"What the fuck?"

Silver turned to the enby, shocked. He was caught without his coat, his wrapped arms were in plain sight. His eyes held nothing, no fear no happiness, a plain empty look.

"Paintbrush," Silvia smiled slightly, fully turning to the brush. "I can explain,"

"Prince, is that?"

"That's where Candle is," The cannibal's voice quivered a bit. "We were jumped by something and they got her. After they left, I found her and I..."

Now, the prince asshole looked like he was gonna cry.

Still puzzled, Painty came closer to him and pulled him close. Now it was their turn to help him cope.

The spoon froze before almost immediately melting, pulling them close and holding tightly, like he didn't want them to leave. Painty was surprised to feel the princely jerk nuzzle his head into their sweater and actually weep.

All they could focus on was the crying utensil right now, he was mumbling words and repeating phrases as he held them closer.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry-"

The brush snaked their hands to his head, hushing the sobbing mess of a man in their arms. Soon his cries lessened and was shortened to just some heavy breathing and gasping from the prince, his hold on the brush was almost nonexistent.

"I'm sorry, Paintbrush," Silver hiccuped. "I just,"

"It's okay," The artist hushed him, holding his frail hands and rubbing the spoon's knuckles. "Everything will be okay. Just breathe"

Silvia breathed heavy for a moment before shaking his head idly, enjoying the attention the enby was giving him. It was different, the love, the care, the thought behind their actions made his heart flutter. He knew everything wouldn't be okay but at the time, he just wanted them to believe it'd be alright.

Painty took a look at him, he was awfully scrawny now, something in their mind suggested lack of food as a reason. His arms were rolled in bandages, some had stains on blood in the material and were faint, his eyes looked heavy and he seemed to almost be ready to faint. Paintbrush showed the spoon the sad fucking jam sandwich and put it into his hands, giving him a reasurring smile.

Afterwards, the brush gave the spoon their cover and piggy-backed him to the hotel, quietly taking him to their room. Silver's eyes were fluttering between sleep and consciousness and Pb could tell quite well, almost throwing him to the bed in their room.

"WAH-" Silverspoon yelped as he was thrown to the bed. "WH-"

"Shush" The brush fell backwards into the bed and shuffled themselves up to the pillows, turning their head to the slightly frightened spoon. "There's a literal murderer in the hotel, I'm not letting you sleep in your own room till you're okay,"

Unknownst to the artist, Silvia was flustered and stumbled around with his words in his head.

"It's not that bad," Painty sighed as they stretched their arms slightly. "Plus if it'd make you feel better, you're totally fine to cuddle me,"

"Oh," Silver blinked, holy shittttt. "Uh thanks,"

They didn't reply to him and simply just smiled and closed their eyes, attempting to fall asleep. Taking the chance with the enby's permission, Silver shuffled closer and held the brush closer to him, letting his head lay against the brush's chest-handle area.

"Just," Painty said in a hushed tone, letting their arms wrap around the new figure against them. "Just stop hurting yourself, Silvia,"

"I-" Silver sighed and breathed in, nuzzling the other. "I'll try... I can't promise I won't,"

"I know," He could feel the figure breathe deeply before feeling their hands near his head. "I know, dear,"

Silverfangs | An II Silverspoon horror AUWhere stories live. Discover now