Let's Kill Tonight!

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The lights had shut off at least an hour ago, all the guests situated inside of their rooms without the locks on, why would they need to lock them for? The carpet dampened footsteps as he walked idly down the hallway, his sharp knived gloves hidden by the long sleeves of his coat.

Silverspoon walked down the cold hallway, it was chilling to be there alone. He drew closer and closer to his target’s door, the adrenaline brewing as he paused in front of the door. Beyond the door laid Test Tube’s room, she didn’t use it much other than to sleep so it’d be quite easy to get her quickly.

Turning the knob, he made sure to creak the door slowly so as to not make so much noise, the low ambering light from the side-table lamps gleamed as he stepped in.

Quickly, Silvia took notice of the baseball bat by the door, he was guessing it was Testy’s ‘extra form of safety’ as her door happened to not have a lock. The spoon let his hand trail over to the base’s handle and grabbed ahold of it, peaking around the corner of the entry to see where Test tube was.

She was sitting on the bed, sitting in the opposite direction of the entry and without knowing, was giving the silver utensil an easy opening.

Testy was on her phone or at least looking at something in her hand, distracted. Just what he wanted. Carefully, he stepped out of the entry, bat in hand, making sure to not put too much pressure on his feet to make sure the floor didn’t squeak underneath him. Soon he was about right behind the scientist, drawing the bat up to around his shoulder height. The adrenaline was now pounding in his ears, he couldn’t hear anything but his muffled breathing and the blood in his ears. Just as soon as he came up behind her, came the bat swinging.


He had hit her straight in the side, cracking her glass heavily and sending her into the headboard of the bed. She had yelped when it hit, squeezing her eyes tightly before snapping them open to see her attacker hovering over her.


The spoon couldn’t hear her. He drew the bat again, colliding it down onto her body and hearing a scream come from her. Thankfully, the hotel rooms had a much thicker padding on the walls and ceiling to block out noise, mostly thanks to Tissue’s constant sneezing and most of the fights Trophy got himself into.

The female was struggling to breathe now, tears pricking her eyes as she put her hands over her face as if it’d defend her. “Stop!”

Now basically sitting over the tube, he slammed the bat right down onto her chest, shattering the glass and allowing some of the green liquid to spill out onto the bat’s head. Her breathing increased as she yelped loudly again, choking on her own breath. The utensil smirked before drawing the bat a final time, this time aiming for her forehead.

“I do apologise for the inconvenience, dear, but you don’t fit in,”

With that, a final shatter was heard by the spoon. The tube’s forehead cavity was smashed, her breathing hadn’t returned as her limbs felt cold to the touch. She was gone. And Silverspoon was the cause. Quickly, the spoon climbed off of her, letting the bat lay on the bed and picking up her frail lifeless body. Thankfully, Silver was actually quite strong.

He opened the on-suite bathroom door, quickly bringing her to the bathtub and laying her in it, watching as the green liquid sank out of her glass casket. Skillfully, he flicked his knived hands into view and began tearing at the arm’s flesh.

It was awful, the room stank so badly and the sound of tearing flesh grizzled his ears. Yet he kept going. He was hungry. It took a while but soon the arms were cut off, a similar green blood substance pooled and mixed with the green tube liquid at the bottom of the tub. Of course he didn’t wanna drink something that had mixed with that so instead, he chose a different path.

Unwrapping his gloves from his hands, Silvia put them into the mixture and began splashing it both out of the tub and onto the body. Letting it spill onto the clean floor from the side of the tub and pulling it onto the walls around it. It was a mess but hey, at least it's a better use for such a substance.

Carefully, he picked up his gloves and the lifeless arms and hurried out. Making sure to put the bat in the bathroom then leaving, closing the door behind him. He knew at least someone had to have heard the conflict so he hurried back up the hall to his room. Closing the door and rushing to the bathroom, he practically threw the limbs and gloves into the shower.

Great, now he had to clean those suckers.

He locked the bathroom door, with a self-made lock of course, and picked up the bloodied gloves. Blood was such a hassle to get out of clothes, yet thankfully no one had questioned his odd amount of stain remover he had stolen from Soap. Silver pulled the tap’s nob and let the water flow, slowly and surely using the stain remover and gloves to wash away the staining. He’d get the blood out of his coat at a later date, he decided.

═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══
In the early morning, she was found. Found by Fan.

Needless to say, he had a full on breakdown of finding one of his closest friends dead in her own room. Silver had decided to wear a different coat, one to still cover his scarring and one that hadn’t been stained with the tube’s blood.

Glancing through the crowd, he spotted a quite devastated looking Paintbrush. That made his heart sink slightly, seeing such a perfect person upset, it was quite shattering to him.

Once the crowd dispersed and carried on with the morning, the spoon made sure to stick by Paintbrush as they sat on the floor in the common’s living room beside the stairs. Watching for a moment, he could tell by the brush’s posture and face that they were obviously quite hurt from the fact their friend was dead. A tinge of guilt sat dormant in the utensil’s stomach but nonetheless, he came closer and closer before sitting beside the enby.

“You alright, tall one?”

His words brought their attention to him, letting them attempt to fix their posture. “Oh uh, I’m alright you royal pain,”

Silver scoffed playfully at their statement. “Obviously you’re not, I know when you’re upset,”

He could tell they blushed slightly at his statement. Perfect. Painty sighed, rolling their hands through each other and taking deep breaths to help keep them at a more stable state.

“I… I don’t know, Silvia,” The spoon gritted his teeth silently at the nickname. “It’s just I never expected anything like this to happen. To Test Tube as well, I thought we all were pretty civil and chill but now? I can’t even trust anyone!”

He could tell the brush was on the brink of tears, their face was a bit scrunched and a bit red, their hands had gripped onto their thighs and were now petting them as an attempt to chill.

“Hey,” Silver began before turning and pulling the enby into a tight hold of a hug, letting his hands rest around their torso then snake back up to their bristles. “You don’t have to stay tough for me,”

That’s what broke them, Paintbrush nuzzled their face into the spoon’s shoulder as they silenced their sobs with his coat. Their hands tightened onto his coat and pulled him closer, causing the silver utensil to fluster before remembering his job.

The princely spoon just continued to pet their bristles and quietly ‘shhhh’ them, letting the enby cry into him. He hadn’t truly realised how much this’d hurt them, and only now was slightly regretting going for Test Tube. Silver should’ve left her alone, she was their friend. But she would’ve figured it out quicker than Cabby. That’s why she was first.

Silverspoon knew that once the flesh of Testy’s arms was done with, he’d need a new target. Someone who wasn’t as close to Painty but still would be impactful. That’s when his eyes searching around the room saw a familiar deep lavender colour seep into the room.


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