A Final Author's Note

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So hey, It's been a few days since I finished the last chapter.
And I'm glad people actually liked the final bit, since I know it was a LONG wait,,

I just kinda wanted to thank you for sticking by and reading till the final page lol.

Using the doc data, this fic is 11759 words long (11k) and I'm proud I wrote that much honestly. New goal is to try going for at least 2k per chapter,,,,, :33333333333333

So plans for the future!

I wanna continue writing things, writing SF was fun as hell even when I got hit with writer's block in the ending chapters. There were a few pages I actually cut because of the inability to write or feel motivation to write, I can't remember every cut victim but I BELIEVE one was apple?????

I had a joke idea of writing a dark/grim oneshot for what happened to Paintbrush afterwards but I need more ideas on that before actually going and writing it,,,

I'd like to continue writing darker-styled fanfictions, hopefully for the OSC.. right now, I am stupidly inspired by grimdark fics and I REALLY wanna write another one, I just need to use my brain and think..

There ain't gonna be an official sequel. I find sequel's to fics kinda yucky. If you'd like to write one, be my guest, but it most likely will not be an official Silverfangs' sequel. And there is no "good ending" either,!!!

And before I forget, some people seemed to enjoy my designs or art! so uhm???? time to dump
some old art on my pc!!!

And before I forget, some people seemed to enjoy my designs or art! so uhm???? time to dump some old art on my pc!!!

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The remade cover-art (july 2023)

The original last chapter + old design of Paintbrush

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The original last chapter + old design of Paintbrush

The original Silverfangs!Silverspoon refrence that I've used for every piece made for this book

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The original Silverfangs!Silverspoon refrence that I've used for every piece made for this book

The original Silverfangs!Silverspoon refrence that I've used for every piece made for this book

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AAAANNDDD MY NEWER PAINTBRUSH DESIGN LOL.... They aren't SF exclusive so you can just use them if you'd like!!

If I end up designing more of the SF gang or just general II, I'll end up posting em on tumblr or maybe an artbook, still deciding (((my tumblr is hugs4tabi if you wanna lurk around there...)))

And b4 I go, remember fan-creations and inspired work is TOTALLY OKAY! You are free to tag me if you do A N Y T H I N G related to SF, hell if you have a darker styled fic TAG ME I WANNA READ IT!!!!!

I've been your host Rennie, ZOO WEE MAMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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