Chapter Three - Daddy Issues

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Finally, Virbank City.

As Nate and Rosa walked up to the gym, they saw a piece of paper on the door with big writing in a red marker on it, saying 'closed'.

"Great..." Rosa muttered.

"Mhm..." Nate said.

Rosa walked over to the corner of the gym. "Nate, come over here!" She whispered.

Nate nodded, and creeped over to where Rosa stood. He heard an argument arising on the other side of the building.

Rosa peered over at the two people arguing. "Look! It's Roxie, the gym leader." She whispered again.

Nate looked over his friend's shoulder. Rosa was right! There she was, arguing with someone who looked as if to be her father.

"I can do what I want, dad! I'm fifteen!!" Roxie said, trying not to raise her voice. The last thing she would want is to attract a crowd.

"Just visit me at work if you want to apologize."

Roxie rolled her eyes, and watched her father walk away. She murmured something under her breath, and started walking back to the gym.

"She's coming! She's coming!" Rosa whisper-screamed. "Look casual!"

The two sat on a bench and pretended to be having a conversation, secretly watching Roxie enter her gym. A couple minutes later, Nate and Rosa agreed it was a good time to now enter the gym and fight.

The two walked down the narrow hallways of the gym, till they reached a silent stage room, with band members surrounding their lead guitarist, Roxie, who looked down.

Nate stayed put as Rosa walked up to Roxie.

"Are you okay?" Rosa asked in her kind voice.

"Uh... Are you a gym challenger?"

Rose looked at Roxie for a moment. "I'm more than a gym challenger! I am a Pokemon trainer! And a friend to everyone, even you!" Rosa said, smiling at Roxie, who actually smiled back.

Roxie looked at her band members. "Alright, guys. I am back in the battling spirit, so let's do this!" She said, holding her Pokeball in her hand.

Rosa held Snivy's Pokeball in her hand, also ready to fight.


"Uaghghhh!!" Rosa whined, with her head on Nate's shoulder. "Who knew this gym was so challenging??"

Nate smiled, and he pat his friend's head. "Grass-types are weak to poison types, that's all." He said. "I know you can do this!"

Rosa stopped whining and looked at Nate. "But I've lost five times already!"

Nate snickered. "So? You still can win! I got the badge, so you can too!"

Rosa grinned. "You're right! I'll be back... And this time, with the badge!"

Rosa marched up to Roxie with confidence, gripping Snivy's Pokeball in her hand. Nate watched her say something to Roxie that he couldn't hear, and the two stepped back, and sent out their Pokemon.

It was a very eventful fight, if Nate were to describe what happened. Rosa got the badge, and she ran back to Nate, beaming.

"I got it!" She said.

Nate beamed back at her. "I knew you could do it!" He said, throwing a arm around his friend's shoulder.

Roxie walked up to Nate and Rosa, holding something in her hand.

"Hey, thanks for giving me the motivation to battle..." She said, looking at Rosa. Nate frowned. Why did he feel like a third wheel? "...I haven't had such a great battle with any trainers as I have with both of you, so take this!" She said, handing them both a TM.

"Just teach it to your Pokemon and see what they will learn." Roxie said, walking back to her band mates.

Rosa and Nate frowned. They had no idea what the TM was, and none of their Pokemon could learn it either. Oh, well.

Nate and Rosa walked out of the gym feeling better than they ever have, when suddenly a man in a green shirt walked up to them.

"Hey! Would you two trainers like a free tour of Poke star studios?" He said.

Nate and Rosa looked at each other, then back at the man. "Yeah, sure!" Rosa said, not letting Nate speak. He was going to say no, but whatever.

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