Chapter Four - Pokestar Studios

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"Here is the recording studio, where all of the greatest movies are made!" The green-shirt man said. "Would you like to take a look inside?"


"No, I think we're fine!" Nate said, cutting off Rosa. He saw from the corner of his eye that Rosa was giving him a death glare. Nate shuddered, and the two continued to follow the green shirt man.

"Now here is the cinema!" The man said. "It's where to watch the greatest movies in the entire Pokémon universe!"

Before anyone could say anything else, Roxie burst out of the door of the cinema, running out of Pokestar Studios.

"Ah, yes! That is one of our actors daughter." The man said, ignoring the fact she ran out of the cinema without looking at them.

Rosa leaned towards Nate's ear. "I'm going to go check on her, are you coming?" She whispered.

Nate nodded a small nod. "Sorry, sir, but we need to go now. Thank you for the tour!" Nate said, following Rosa as she ran off.

"Please come again...!" He heard the man say. Nate rolled his eyes, panting as he ran behind Rosa. She was a better runner than he was, and she knew it.

The two stopped at the entrance of the gym.

"I'll stay out here, you can go in." Nate said, leaning back against the wall of the gym building.

"Alright..." Rosa said in a sad tone. "I'll see you in a bit!"

Nate smiled and nodded, and Rosa nodded back before she ran into the gym.

Rosa raced down the stairs and entered the stage room, where she found Roxie sitting there alone. Rosa walked up to Roxie and sat next to her. She didn't think Roxie noticed.

Rosa tapped Roxie's shoulder. "Are you doing alright?" Rosa asked.

Roxie's eyes shot up to meet Rosa's eyes. Her eyes were puffy from crying. "I- Why are you here?" Roxie said.

Rosa smiled a soft smile. "I saw you at Pokestar Studios, and I wanted to see if you were okay! Everyone says I'm great at comforting people..."

Roxie smiled. "Thanks... That means a lot to me."

Rosa placed a arm around Roxie's shoulders. "Any time!" She said, now grinning at her new friend she thinks she made.

There was an awkward moment of silence.

"Where are you heading next on your journey?" Roxie asked. "Most trainers head to Castellia City to defeat the gym leader there."

"Really?" Rosa said.

"Yeah, I can take you there if you'd like."

"No, you really don't have to-"

"It's my thanks for you coming here to comfort me."

Rosa grinned, and gave Roxie a big hug. "Thank you!!" She said, releasing Roxie from her arms and running up the stairs to tell Nate the news.

Roxie sat there, blushing slightly.

Grumpy Boy... - A  Short Greyskyshipping fanficWhere stories live. Discover now