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The ink glided smoothly on the paper. The lines precise and flowed effortlessly. She looked at the image she drew then out the window. A small portrait of what it was like outside her window of a lifeless city. Ironic, you'd think it would be the opposite but not to her. The entire world was black and grey to her, only color was the blue butterfly that flew across her window.

Her eyes traced the insect as she sighed deeply. The insect landed on her opened window sill, she took that as a sign, getting a new piece of paper and drawing it down to the detail. From every vien in the wings to the shimmer on the body. Once done it flew away, as if knowing it was a muse no longer. Oh how she longed to be free like that butterfly, come and go as she pleases. Sadly however freedom would never come to her. For now she must marry, for the sake of her family.

Not for love.

"Asami! We must leave if we want to make the wedding rehearsal on time!" Her father shouts. She rolls her eyes running her hand through her hair. "Coming father." She walks down the stairs to see her father waiting at the bottom. Chest puffed, suit cleaned and straightened, and hair slicked back, not a single strand left out. He scans her with hard judgemental eyes, glancing down at his watch. He snaps it closed.

"We are only going to be five minutes early. You are going to embarrass us for our time and look at yourself." He gestured to her dress. "Did you get it steamed and pressed? And your hair, I see a couple fly aways. Did you get it done at the salon?" He asked. She nodded her head. "Yes sir." He snorts. "By what? A blind man? We must make do with your.. attire." He gestures to all of her. "We must be on our way do the Suzuki's."

Their door opens and they walk into the carriage awaiting them. A dark maroon and black color with gold trimmed. Beautiful black horses standing patiently. The door opens for them and they sit a good distance away from one another. With the crack of the reins the horses marched forwards.

They once were the closest they could be, she had seen her father as her other half, well that was until her mother died. Everything has gone down hill since. Hence the marriage arrangement.

She peers out the window out to the lifeless city. Everyone moving like robots. She could time what was going to happen and when at this point. She glanced at her fathers reflection in the mirror. Chin held high with a scowl on his face. She wish she could turn and say this isn't fair, she doesn't know they man and she doesn't even love him yet they'd get into the same argument shes constantly losing. Pushing her way of believe for true love.

Marrying for love is selfish and this was for her family. She's not selfish, however she wonders what it would be like to take control for once. To fall madly in love with someone on hed own account. "Once you are married to them I'll deal with the finance understand?" He spoke not looking at her. She nods. Sighing softly enough so he doesn't hear. Marriage for money because they were going broke, due to her fathers ... activites we'll call it.

There was a loud coughing from the front of the carriage. So loud she could feel her own throat go raw. "Lu! Manage this cough, I will not have you make us look sickly!" Her father demands. "Sorry sir." He apologizes without taking his eyes off the road.

She felt bad truly.  Pneumonia has been going around due to the colder weather and many have been dying and she wouldn't want that to happen. Lu was someone close to her, when her father wasn't around she had him. A best friend she saw him as. He's the only one that helped her through, she couldn't imagine life without him. She'll have to ask what he has been taking to help his cough later.

Soon they make way towards the Suzuki manor. Another rich merchant large house. Large in size, almost as large as their own but they still had the upper hand. Lu stops the car and opens the door for them. Hiroshi steps out holding out his arm to his daughter. She complies knowing it's for public look purposes.

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