Chapter 1

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Minato has just now sealed half of the nine tails in his new born son but to split the Nine Tails soul into 2, he has to use the reaper death seal and therefore he had to spend his afterlife in Shinigami's stomach.

Where am I? 

I should be in Shingami's stomach since I used the Reaper Death Seal but why does this place looks so beautiful. If I didn't know better I would have thought I was in heaven. Well that doesn't matter, I just hope you both are doing well, Naruto and Kushina.

Minato Namikaze.

A heavy voice said his name. He looked and saw 2 doors in front of him with Shinigami in front of him.

Lord Shinigami, sorry to disturb you for the sealing. Please accept a humble apology from my side.

Such a nice and humble person. Well it would be more fun that way. Shinigami thought with an evil smirk.

Your case shall be discussed later on. Go inside that door, that is for the users of the technique.

Minato just silently obeyed him and went that way. Before going inside he could see, that it was looking quite nice and the gatekeeper seeing his quarters said.

You must be a very noble man I can tell by seeing your quarters although I am feeling quite sorry for your afterlife from now on.

Minato was just getting more and more confused, and thats why he didn't comment anything and went his way. On reaching his quarters he could see that the area looked quite like what he assumed heaven must have looked like until now.

He saw that there was a very soft and comfortable bed for him to sleep on. An area where a plate was on which it was written that wish what you want to eat and it will appear. Minato thought that it was just a joke and wished something. Great was his surprise when it actually appeared.

There were many more things that were more or less used by royalties and which he hadn't used even as the Fourth Hokage, which was the highest position in the village hidden in the leaves or Konohagakure.

In one area he saw there was some weird stuff, a big black rectangular screen like thing ( T.V. ) and another such thing ( Hologram machine ).

He was admiring everything in his suite just when a heavy voice was heard saying his name.

Minato Namikaze. May I enter your quarters.

Yes Lord Shinigami. You can enter whenever you wish for.

At that time Shinigami appeared in his room.

I hope you are liking your quarters. You hold the position for getting the best quarters anyone has ever received till now.

Yes sir.

Still humble even after death. Well thats nice and all, I have come to discuss your case. So you split a tailed beast into half using the Reaper Death Seal and brought one half with you in the afterlife while you sealed the other half in your new born son. So you gave your life away for that village and put so much burden on your son for Konoha. You must trust that village don't you? Don't you think you have done a big mistake by sealing half of the Nine tails in your son?

No sir. I trust the village I know the village will take care of my son. It doesn't matter what he contains inside him.

Very well. Its your choice anyways. But before I forget, I should tell you since you have got the Royal suite and you are alone here since not many come here and as noble as you that was a big surprise for me. Look over there from that object you can watch over your son from here and see how his life goes through.

Really? Minato says excited.

Of course you deserve that much. So I will be taking my leave. Shinigami said hiding an evil smirk.

Now you will experience why this place is called worse than hell.

After Shinigami disappears, Minato goes towards the T.V. and looks to see what his adorable son is doing right. But what he doesn't know is that from now onwards he would only repent every second.

The first thing he hears shocks him to his very core.

I demand that this demon shall be killed immediately so as to avoid future problems.

A/N :   _   My other story

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