Chapter 3

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Naruto was running from a mob of villagers who as usual were trying to kill Naruto. And to Naruto's bad luck he ran into a closed alley. There was a dead end and and almost 7 villagers and 3 ninjas were there trying to kill him. Naruto doesn't know what to do. The villagers start to beat him up but just when they were going to start cutting Naruto. All the villagers were found dead. Naruto doesn't know what to feel. On one hand he was glad, that he was safe and on other hand, the one who killed them could also easily kill him. The shinobi present there were alerted and were going to attack the shadow when they were killed immediately too.

Naruto was the only one left alive. He was confused and scared, when the shadow started shining and and started taking the shape of a man with blonde hair and blue eyes identical to his.

Who are you? Are you going to kill me too? Asked a scared Naruto innocently.

You can see me Naruto?

Naruto just nods.

Thank you Lord Shinigami. I won't disappoint you.

Minato just hugs Naruto suddenly and started sobbing and then his crying only increased.

Hey mister why are you crying?

I am sorry Naruto. Its my fault everyone hates you. Do you hate me?

No mister I don't hate you. You even saved me. But why you said everyone hates me because of you?

I will tell you later. Lets first go home.

Naruto was going towards his apartment when Minato stops him.

Not that one. We are going to your real home, Naruto.

My real home?

Yes. Hold still ok? Lets go.

Minato then teleports them to Namikaze complex.

This place is so huge.

Do you like it Naruto? This is your home now.

But why? Why would you give me this? Who are you?

I am your father Naruto.

My dad? But grandpa said he died during the Nine Tails attack. But you are alive that means you are lying.

I am not lying Naruto. What he said was true. I did die. You saw how I was a shadow. I saw how you were treated unjustly and I came to protect you. I felt so much pain by just seeing you hurt. I can't even imagine how bad you felt at that time. I am sorry, its my fault.

Naruto had tears in his eyes and he hugs Minato.

I don't know if you are actually my dad or not. But for me you are my Dad from now onwards. Thank you for coming.

I feel complete for the first time. Thought Minato.

Naruto I want to tell you somethings. First the person you call Grandpa Hokage is not a good guy. There is so much power here inside you that he wants. So never trust him. I did that mistake. I told him to protect you after I die but I never knew he was my enemy and will do the opposite.

Also I know that you wanted to become a Hokage. Don't dream like that. Its a foolish dream to live for others. The 3rd Hokage lied to you that everyone would look up to you if you become Hokage. You can only become Hokage if everyone already looks up to you. And for this you have to live for others. I did. I was a Hokage and what I got in return. Everyone in the village abused my little so.

Next don't try to gain respect and recognition. You will get that on your own with time. Make some friends if and only if they do want to connect with you. Otherwise you would only get betrayed in force friendships.

I di-didn't know that means I was wrong all this time in doing everything?

Its alright you can have a new fresh start and I will help you in each step of your life. Now you will never be alone and I will help you in becoming more stronger than anyone in this world.

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