Chapter 7

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Sasuke's POV:

As Sasuke thought about his brother Itachi, a whirlwind of emotions stirred inside him. Itachi wasn't just his older brother; he was someone Sasuke had always admired and looked up to. From a young age, he had been in awe of Itachi's strength and ninja skills. But lately, things had changed. Itachi seemed distant, lost in his own world and leaving Sasuke feeling abandoned and unsure of where he stood. Despite these feelings, Sasuke couldn't shake the bond they shared, nor his desire to prove himself worthy in Itachi's eyes. It was a mix of admiration, confusion, and a longing to understand his brother's motivations that filled Sasuke's thoughts whenever he thought of Itachi. Not only Itachi but Shisui also, both of them always used to play with me, teach me some little things, but now...


Sasuke: (watching from a distance as Itachi and Shisui train together)

Itachi: (Laughing with Shisui) Shisui, you're getting faster! Keep it up.

Shisui: (Grinning) Thanks, Itachi. Your speed is incredible too. One day, I'll catch up.

(End of Flashback)

Sasuke: (Thoughtfully) Itachi and Shisui... They spend so much time together now. Training, talking... They barely notice me anymore.


Fugaku: (Coldly) Sasuke, focus on your training. You need to improve if you want to surpass your brother.

Sasuke: (Trying hard) Yes, Father.

(End of Flashback)

Father has always been distant, but lately, he's even colder than usual. It's like he's preparing for something... But he won't tell me anything.  And I... I don't understand any of it. Itachi and Shisui are my brother and friend. Why do I feel left out? Why won't anyone explain?

Danzo's POV:

Danzo observed from a distance as Itachi and Shisui conferred under the shade of the tree. His gaze fixed on Shisui's Sharingan eye, the one capable of manipulating even the most resolute minds with its Kotoamatsukami technique. Though he respected Shisui's loyalty to the village, Danzo couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern.

Shisui's eye... Such a potent tool, Danzo thought, his mind racing through the possibilities. If Itachi and Shisui proceed with Kotoamatsukami, it could resolve the Uchiha crisis peacefully. But if misused or falls into the wrong hands...

Danzo's thoughts darkened as he considered the ramifications. He had long believed in the necessity of power, especially in times of turmoil. Yet, Shisui's eye represented a volatile element, one that could upset the delicate balance he sought to maintain within Konoha's shadows.

We must tread carefully, Danzo concluded, eyes narrowing with resolve. The Uchiha situation must be handled swiftly, but with caution. Shisui's eye could be both a solution and a potential problem.

As he continued to watch, Danzo resolved to keep a close eye on developments, ready to act should circumstances veer away from the village's best interests. For Danzo Shimura, vigilance and foresight were his greatest tools, and he intended to use them to protect Konoha, even if it meant confronting those he considered allies.

Hidden spot near the Uchiha compound

Itachi: (Gazing at the village in the distance) Shisui, the situation with the clan is getting more dangerous. Have you considered using Kotoamatsukami?

Shisui: (Serious) Itachi, Kotoamatsukami is not to be used lightly. It's a powerful genjutsu that can manipulate the thoughts and actions of others. Are you sure about this?

Itachi: (Resolute) If it can prevent a civil war and protect the village, I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

Shisui: (Nods thoughtfully) I understand. But remember, once Kotoamatsukami is used, it can't be used again for a decade.

Itachi: (Looking at Shisui) I trust your judgment, Shisui. You've always been the voice of reason.

Shisui: (Sighs) Very well. I'll prepare the crow summoning and activate Kotoamatsukami. We must ensure it's used wisely and for the good of Konoha.

Itachi: (Grateful) Thank you, Shisui. This could change everything.

Shisui: (Determined) Let's hope it brings peace, Itachi. For the sake of our clan and the village.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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