Chapter 4

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Night came and for the first time in life Naruto was sleeping in a soft matress and Minato too after a long time. Minato was clinging to Naruto hugging him tightly as if he would disappear.

When the morning came Naruto was the first to wake up and when he tried to free himself from his father's grasp.

No, don't touch my son. Naruto I am sorry. Minato started mumbling.

Naruto was small but he understood about nightmares very well considering how often he got them. He was still not accustomed to someone caring for him and was startled when he found out that his dad was getting nightmare thinking somebody was hurting him. So he tries to wake him up.

Daddy wake up!

Huh? Minato opens his eyes and sees Naruto looking at him in concern.

Naruto are you alright. Did somebody hurt you?

No, you were having a nightmare so I woke you up. Are you ok, Daddy?

Me, yeah I am totally ok if Naruto is ok. Tell me Naruto what do you want to do today?

I-I want to train to become a ninja so I would be strong like you and protect all my loved ones.

Then training it is.

Sometime later

Minato was training Naruto to use kunai and shurikens. And what Minato saw he found out his son is not a genius like he was but his hardworking skills and never give up attitude makes up for it.

It was like this for a week. Naruto was constantly training to hit the targets Minato set up for him. Even when Minato went outside to get groceries and other stuff. Naruto was a little confused when his father turned into a totally different person while doing so and on asking how he did it. He replied that that was a transformation jutsu. Naruto further asked if he would teach him that technique. Minato just replied he would, after he perfects kunai and shuriken techniques.

Minato was actually also going to Naruto's old home regularly and leaving a blood clone transformed as Naruto there.

After a week Minato took Naruto's accuracy test in which Naruto hit all the kunai and shuriken on the target board but not on accurate point.

Minato then tries to teach Naruto the transformation jutsu.

After multiple tries and failures, Naruto was finally able to do it on his 4th day, but there was a catch Naruto's transformation was different from others about Naruto know nothing but Minato quickly caught upon.

When a ninja transforms, it is actually just an illusion, they keep their normal height and everything with a illusion on them making it seem they changed their heights and everything but in Naruto's case his transformation was actually solid.

2 months timeskip

Naruto already now knows all the basic academy jutsus and taijutsu taught to him by his father. His aim became precise. Minato taught Naruto Shadow Clone jutsu as teaching him the normal clone jutsu was a complete failure due to his overly large chakra. Even though Shadow Clone takes a lot of chakra and even most jounins can't make more than 3, the problem with Naruto was different. He could make 20 of the Shadow Clones easily at the age of just 6 but he has a problem making less than 8 Shadow Clones. His max limit is 30 and minimum is 5.

Starting next month Naruto had to attend the Ninja Academy which Naruto was not keen on going as his father was teaching him everything which he knew his future academy teachers would just forget to teach him by mistake. And he was surely going to be a target of bullies, which was no problem to him but he can't beat them and let them know his actual strength as instructed by his father because that will rise suspicion of his training.

But Naruto agreed to go to the academy because he can't become a ninja without passing the academy.

One month passed and Naruto was ready for the academy.

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