Chapter 2

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What!! He is my son and not a demon you bastard. Minato shouted to the screen.

I agree with this. We should just deal with this monster once and for all. Said Fugaku Uchiha.

All the Civilian Council agreed with the decision and shouted for this.

Alright if that's the case then we will have a vote if this child lives or dies. Said the 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

What he is considering killing my son just like that. No this can't be happening. What have I done. No no no no. Shinigami was right. It was stupid of me to do that. Minato repented and tears could be seen in his eyes.

I have something to say before the voting begins. I want everyone to consider that he is a jinchuriki. Just think about it. If he is properly trained and if we ensure that he stays loyal to Konoha he could be our biggest weapon for the village. Said Danzo.

Minato eyes widened. He had removed Danzo's ROOT ANBU and had totally removed him from power. How was he back in power? Minato wondered. He knew something was wrong but atleast his son won't die but at what cost he would end up becoming a drone or a robot.

After hearing Danzo's idea many from the Shinobi council agreed and in the voting it was decided Naruto will live.

After that day things were only going downhill for Minato. Jiraiya also left the village giving Naruto's full responsibility to the 3rd Hokage who totally neglected it. He saw how his child was sent to an orphanage when he was 2 years old and how he was not given food and treated unjustly. How he was bullied and when he become 4 years old he was given a place to live on his own with nobody to take care of.

After he started living alone one day some drunk villagers came across him and they beat him senseless without any care. He would have died right there if it wasn't for the Nine tails. A little of the nine tails chakra came and attacked villagers back.

After that incident Minato finally understood who he thought were his allies are actually now his enemy and whi he thought as his enemy is saving his child.

Another day came and Minato now never had his special smile anymore. He was no longer a kind man. He had a scowl on his face normally and right now he was seeing his son's regular struggle and cursing when the machine next to the screen materialised into his wife's hologram and she was not at all happy.


Don't Kushina me. Now see what happened with my baby. Its your fault. I hate you. He is struggling in the world not getting any proper food and here you are living like a royalty. Sleeping on a soft matress, eating tasty food. You actually never loved my son right. That's why you sacrificed my son.

That's not true. I love Naruto very much. I will prove it. From now onwards I will eat only what Naruto eats. I will sleep on the floor. All the abuse I can't do anything about that but just you wait I will give Naruto justice.

2 more years passed but Naruto's abuse only increased day by day both physically and mentally. Naruto had applied for the Ninja academy to complete his foolish dream of becoming Hokage which Hiruzen has cleverly introduced in his mind to make Naruto always loyal to Konoha.

He now also knew about Hiruzen's true nature that he was Danzo's partner in crime. He had let Danzo continue his ROOT ANBU operation behind everyone's back potraying himself as the good guy.

Minato gave up on everything. He knew he couldn't do anything to tell Naruto what is right or wrong.

All was lost for him when Shinigami came with a proposal which Minato quickly accepted.

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