Chapter 5

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Naruto spent an entire month feeling frustrated as his training seemed to focus only on basic chakra control exercises, such as walking on trees, buildings, and water. Despite mastering these techniques, his father, Minato, insisted he continue practicing to improve his chakra control, much to Naruto's dismay. To compensate for the lack of new training, Minato allowed Naruto to engage in various pranks, with the caveat, "Don't get caught and don't show extra skills than necessary."

Naruto found solace in his pranks, but Minato soon made them more challenging by placing weight seals on Naruto. These seals increased in weight whenever Naruto succeeded in his pranks. Despite the added difficulty, this training method had a significant positive outcome: Naruto's speed nearly doubled, and his chakra control, stealth, and IQ improved dramatically as he evaded the Hokage's ANBU.

On Naruto's first day at the Academy, he immediately felt out of place. The other students, influenced by their parents, were hostile toward him. To make matters worse, Minato instructed Naruto to wear weight seals to ensure his strength and speed matched that of an average student.

As months passed, Naruto became known as the "loser" of his class, consistently finishing last in almost all activities due to the weight seals that restricted his movements. Most of his classmates shunned him, with the exceptions of Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi, who occasionally joined him in skipping classes. Naruto didn't like the girls in his class, who were more focused on idolizing Sasuke Uchiha than becoming ninja. Naruto couldn't understand their fascination with Sasuke, who always ignored them.

Despite his struggles at the Academy, Naruto's training with Minato continued. Minato devised a rigorous schedule for Naruto: two hours of Fuinjutsu, which Naruto found extremely boring due to the intensive study required; one hour of Ninjutsu, which Naruto enjoyed the most because of his abundant chakra; one hour of Taijutsu, focusing on hand-to-hand combat; and at least an hour and a half of the monotonous chakra control exercises.

This routine persisted, and a year passed with Naruto enduring his dual life of rigorous training and challenging school life.

Meanwhile in Hokage's office

Danzo: (Entering the office) Hiruzen, we need to discuss Naruto Uzumaki. His potential is being squandered.

Hiruzen: (Looking up from his paperwork) What do you propose, Danzo?

Danzo: (Sitting down) Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. He should be trained as a weapon for Konoha. Our enemies won't hesitate to exploit his power if we don't harness it first.

Hiruzen: (Nodding) I agree, but we must handle this delicately. Naruto needs to see me as a mentor and protector. If he loses trust in the village, we risk losing control over him.

Danzo: (Leaning forward) Agreed. The boy is naive and craves approval. We can use this to our advantage. We should present his training as a path to becoming a hero of the village.

Hiruzen: (Thoughtfully) Yes, we can frame it as fulfilling his father's legacy. Minato wanted Naruto to be seen as a hero. We can ensure Naruto believes his training is for the greater good, while still molding him into the weapon we need.

Danzo: (Smirking) Precisely. I'll handle the more rigorous aspects of his training through Root, ensuring he develops the necessary skills and discipline. You can handle the nurturing side, keeping him loyal and motivated.

Hiruzen: (Nodding) We'll need to be careful with the balance. Too much harsh training too soon, and he may become resentful. Too little, and he won't be effective. We'll need trusted individuals from both Root and the regular forces to oversee his progress.

Danzo: (Agreeing) I have the perfect candidates in mind. They will ensure he receives the discipline he needs without overstepping.

Hiruzen: (Firmly) And I'll make sure he understands that everything he does is in pursuit of becoming a great shinobi, just like his father. We'll emphasize that every hardship is a step towards protecting those he cares about.

Danzo: (Standing up) Then we are agreed. We will craft a specialized training program for Naruto that molds him into a weapon for Konoha while keeping his trust in you and the village.

Hiruzen: (Standing as well) Yes, Danzo. For the future of Konoha.

Danzo: (Extending his hand) For the future of Konoha.

Hiruzen: (Shaking Danzo's hand) For the future of Konoha.

Danzo leaves the office with a sense of purpose, while Hiruzen gazes out the window, confident that this plan will ensure Naruto's development into a powerful asset for the village.

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