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"Listen carefully, Richard," David swallowed loudly, "My father has forced himself upon John many times-"

I gasped loudly and stared at David in terror. My voice quavered.

"As in...?" I did not want him to answer the lethal question, but he did so.

"Yes... My mother knows about it and is fine with it." David's face contorted into utter disgust and hatred. I shifted closer to David, concentrating very carefully on his delicate words as he spoke.

"My father has been invading that boy's strict privacies all humans are entitled too without John's consent. He has been committed to it for years now..." He frowned deeply.

"What? What the hell! Why haven't you spoken up to anyone, David?" My hands gripped the collar of his shirt as I seethed. He gripped my wrists firmly and looked into my eyes with fear, but approval.

"I have, believe me, Richard, I have tried. I've had my life threatened for it at the same time."

I sighed heavily, angrily running my hands through my hair as a bright raging fire burned low in my stomach.

Explains how he's so experienced...


"Does Rosie know?"

"She does not."

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Not only does John need immediate escape from this situation, but there is more." He piped up, "I heard my father talking to a man one day... A very mysterious looking man, long black trenchcoat, a boulder hat hanging low on his face, casting a shadow in which I could hardly make out the details of his features..."

"What's the point, David?" I growled, becoming more irritable by the second.

"They were having an exchange... The strange man handed a bag of money to my father and said 'next week.' I swore to the Lord above that it wasn't true, but it is. In all of it's utterly revolting and evil capability, John's nightmare is about to become true..." He sounded more panicked now. I grabbed his shirt again and shook him lightly.

"What?! What is going to happen to John?!" I huffed.

David looked down at the ground before sighing and looking back up into my eyes, tears in his.

"My father has sold John into a sex slave trade, and that strange man will be coming here in a few days to take him away, forever... to who knows where..."

I let go of David and zoned out in pear horror and shock, thoughts and feelings swirled around in my head as it felt like my soul had just left my body, fright chilling my bones, sadness peircing my heart, anger rushing through my veins. I looked over to John who had been waiting patiently by the front water fountain, he noticed and immediately gave me his star-striking grin with a big wave. I waved back and smiled lightly, before I turned back to David as a tear slipped down my cheek. My evil reality had just kicked me in the head as I slowly realized more and more that soon, I may not ever see those piercing blue eyes and striking, heart-stopping smile ever again. I had just found the love of my life and he was going to be ripped away from me faster than I could even process my love for the boy. Ripped away from me like John's dignity that will be ripped right out of him when he gets taken away, when who knows what will happen to him.

David wiped my tears with his sleeve then hugged my tightly.

"Don't be sad, my dear friend... We will figure out how to save John before he's taken. Both of us, together." The young man pulled back and smiled at me confidently. I nodded cordially and composed myself.

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