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Alex O'Connell flashed the headmistress of Ms. Porters a devilish smile. At twenty-five he had the same roguish handsomeness to his features as his father, with his mother's sun kissed skin. Tall, even for a man, built with wiry cords of muscle hidden beneath his neatly pressed shirt that were acquired from long hours splitting stones and digging through rubble.

Selena resisted the urge to roll her eyes, but was immensely grateful her brothers undeniable charm was being weaponized in her favor. She sat beside him, eyes trained on the floor, opposite the headmistress' desk.

She'd been caught up in trouble...again. Nothing quite as horrible as the headmistress was making it out to be. She could have been caught drinking or smoking like so many of the other girls in her year, Hell, she could have been pregnant like a few of them, even though everyone liked to pretend they didn't know. But what had been her crime exactly? Sneaking out on to the school ground after hours and breaking into the library archives. And the headmistress had been practically prepared to burn her at the stake for it.

So she had them ring her brother, and prayed he'd answer the call. Selena didn't have the heart to disappoint her parents, again. Her brother however...well what good were brothers if not trouble?

"Mr. O'Connell..."

"Please." Alex waved his hand, as if brushing the name away. "Alexander is just fine."

The headmistress cleared her throat. "Alexander, thank you for coming to discuss this matter with me in person."

"This 'matter' being my dear little sister I take it?" His gaze shifted towards Selena.


"I see." He frowned, as if the idea were unthinkable to him.

"Now, it isn't uncommon for the girls to get into some manner of mischief here or there on occasion." She narrowed her eyes at Selena, who refused to flinch. "On occasion, Ms. O'Connell. But I must admit, this behavior is growing dangerously close to becoming a habit." Her attention was directly on Selena now. "After six years Ms. O'Connell, you are a dear member of the Ms. Porters family."

'You mean you really like my parents money.' Selena thought. Her hands, hidden on her lap, were curled into fists, her nails leaving small crescent indentations in her palms.

"But," the matron continued, turning back to Alex; "I am afraid there will only be so much more we will tolerate."

"I understand." Alex folded his hands one over the other, and leveled his sister with a hard and steady glare. "I can assure you Madam Headmistress, this will be the last time a conversation like this is necessary. Selena, follow me. Now." He barked the command like a solider.

Selena obeyed at once, practically jumping to her feet.

"Mr. O'Connell..." the headmistress started to protest.

"I'll return my sister this evening." Alex hooked his arm around his sister's, as if afraid she'd bolt for the door; "On my honor. But for now I think a good deal of time for reflection is in order for her to think about her behavior. I believe there's a church in town?"

"Oh!" The headmistress stammered, flustered. "Well, of course. Some reconciliation of the spiritual nature is never a bad idea."

"Oh and headmistress, I see no need to report this to my parents." Alex dialed up his charm, his features shifting from the enrage older brother to boyish rogue once more. "My sister will be well taken care of."

"Of course Mr....Alexander. Of course." She turned to Selena, her good humor drying faster than the Sahara. "We will see you this evening Ms. O'Connell. Hopefully, better prepared to commit yourself to this institution."

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