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Standing in the kitchen, Selena's hand hadn't moved in several minutes. Gripping the phone, she hadn't mustered the courage to take it from the cradle, let alone dial.

Swallowing her pride and her fear, Selena picked up the phone and began to dial. She tapped out a frantic beat against the wall as she waited for the phone to connect. It rang and rang and rang, and she thought maybe the lines hadn't completely reconnected. She was about to hang up when she finally was greeted by the hotel's concierge.

"Hello," She greeted; "May...May I get Alex O'Connell's room please."

"One moment, I will see if he's in."

Selena couldn't keep herself still. Half of her was hoping her brother couldn't come to the phone, or that the connect would drop, while another part of her ached in the knowledge this may be her last chance to speak with him or her parents ever again.

"I'm sorry ma'am but he isn't in at the moment."

Selena took a deep breath, eyes burning.

"What...about the others? Rick or Evelyn O'Connell? Are they in?"

"None of the O'Connell party are here unfortunately." An edge of irritation slipped between the plea sent words; "Would you like to leave a message?"

"Yes..uh..just tell them I'm safe. I talked to the professor and we're waiting out the weather. The power might not hold if they try to call back but...I'm sorry I made them all worry."

"Will that be all ma'am?"

Selena squeezed the cord tight. "Just that I love them. Make sure you write that part down for them."

"Very well."

"Thank you. Goodbye."

Celeste could tell by Selena's face as she reappeared that things hadn't gone well.

"They weren't there."

"I'm sorry love."

"I'll try later." Selena kneaded her thumbs against both temples. "What next?"

Celeste's stomach answered for her. Loudly.

Selena looked up at her and grinned. "Tea?"

Wolfe listened to the engine rumble beneath him, the only indication the car was moving. His hands trembled, even gripped tight around the leather steering wheel. If the girl had spoken the truth...if Montgomery was dead...he needed to return home. Needed to call Anita, send word, warn the Noctaum that the threat was growing stronger much faster then they'd anticipated. He only hoped that the plan Selena O'Connell was cobbling together would be enough. To buy them time, to seal the fiend.

"Blasted smog." He griped.

He engaged the wipers, as if it would make a shred of difference, and leaned so far forward his nose practically touched the dash. The engine spluttered, the car rattling a miserable death throe before the engine bottomed out. Wolfe slammed his foot on the breaks. Thankfully, it seemed he was the only fool insane enough to attempt the roads. At this hour any other day, London would be choked with traffic. But now...

Something landed on the roof of the car, multiple somethings, that scrapped against the roof. What was it...claws? Nails? No and insistent on the metal roof. A dozen sets, more.

"Blasted birds." Wolfe cursed. "Damned things probably can see no better than the rest of us."

More were landing on the roof, shrieking as they dropped, again and again. Wolfe could see their dark shapes, like shadows falling as they converged.

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