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Evy hated planes. Her parents had died in a plane crash when she'd been younger, and her experience with air travel hadn't scarcely improvised since. But it was undoubtably the swiftest way to return to London, and there was no time to spare. If they let them land. If they could make it through what awaited back in the city and get home. If Selena was even at home. Because Rick was right; she did blame herself, for all the things she couldn't control and all the things she could. The weather, the war. For believing keeping their daughter at an arms length would be enough to keep her safe.

With Alex it had been easy; the ink was barely dry on the marriage license before they found out they were going to be parents. But after Ahm Shere, with Imotep now twice in the grave, the world spared yet again, Evy had been so determined for another after the second chance at life she'd been gifted. But after nearly two years it had started to seem impossible. She hadn't been entirely sure what the problem had been. At first she'd suspected her resurrection, and had searched for every ancient remedy she could find. And then, at thirty-four, she'd begun to wonder if her age was the real culprit. And it had happened, she had happened. That round cheeked girl was hair a shock of black and eyes that were already so old.

"Hunny?" Rick's voice brought her back. The warm press and strength of his hand over hers, the softness to his voice. "You alright?"

"Mhm? Oh...yes. Planes..." Evy shuddered as the cabin bounced from another bout of turbulence.

"Want a tip? If the stewardesses aren't panicking, we're going to be fine." Rick said encouragingly.

Evy smiled. "Practical advice."

"The flights only three hours Evy, it's not like we're trapped on a ship in open water. Really, really big waves...reeeeeal tiny boat?"

"You won't let me ever live that down, will you."

Rick grinned and kissed her hand. "Never." Squeezing her fingers between his own he added; "She's alright Evy. As far as emergencies go, our kid getting trapped inside the house due to bad weather barely makes the top ten."

"Something in my blood tells me this isn't about the weather Rick." Evy admitted. "I don't know why, and I can't explain it. But sooner we see our daughter, the sooner I'll feel like I can breathe."

"So here's the bad news." Celeste ran her fingers through her hair, half expecting to see the flames licking at the ends once more. "A skeleton won't due. No purchase. Nothing to stab or shoot when it's just a bit of crumbling bones."

"I was afraid you'd say that."

"Montgomery told me to throw his body in the Thames." Celeste exhaled, her chest compressing painfully tight. And then she shrugged, rolling her shoulders forward and back until the joints popped. "Might as well take him up on it."

"Yeah...that's about what I figured you'd say." Selena sighed. "But you're right; we need a body, and I'm not keen to dig up a fresh one." She rose from the couch and dared to peer behind one of the curtains.

"How's it look?"


Selena could barely see beyond the glass. Were the birds still circling the estate? Would they walk outside only to be descended upon? Could Celeste's shadows carry them both to Montgomerys shop, and then, somehow, get them all to...where? Where exactly would they lay their bait? Where could they seal the fiend and bury the vessel to ensure no one else could find it? She shut her eyes and tried to think.

"Sorry...what?" Celeste's voice cut through her thoughts.


"Whatever you just said, I missed it. Sorry."

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