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"There's no need to involve anyone else." Celeste repeated. "I'm sure between the two of us, we can work something out. Here." She reached into her jacket and retrieved the velvet pouch containing the scraps of precious metals she'd found beneath the crematorium, as well as the emerald. Setting it on the counter she stepped away. "What I was coming here for the other day. If you can agree you never saw us, it's yours."

"I'll not risk my neck to cover yours."

"There were no trespasses." Celeste scoffed. "I can swear to you on that."

"You can swear to them."

"Dammit," Celeste teeth ground together. She looked back at Selena. "C'mon, we're done here." She reached for the sword.

"Oh, I don't think so scavenger. You're not going anywhere."

Montgomery was already moving, and Celeste didn't need to see to know when his hand disappeared behind the counter that he was reaching for the pistol he kept just out of sight. She stiffened, her muscles drawing tight as a bowstring as they prepared themselves for violence. But on the surface, Celeste remained calm. "You really want to fuck with me Sean?"

To punctuate the matter, the shadows raced forward from the darkened corners of the shop, slithering at her feet. It had cast the small space in an unnatural half-light, the color washed from the walls into a fey shade of grey. Selena's attention shot downward as the tendrils of darkness began encircled her own legs. Only, rather than predatory, it was weaving layers around her like a protective cocoon, binding nearly solid around her.

All it would take was moment, a flex of her fingers and Celeste knew she loop the shadows round Montgomery's neck and cinch it tight before he could open his mouth to call for help.

So do it. The presence in her mind goaded. You know you can. It would be so, so simple.

It would be satisfying to hear the bones crunch...

Montgomery appeared to read her thoughts; "Think very carefully about this. You came looking for help, aye? Either you'll get it, or it won't be your problem no more. Do something stupid now, and you'll be in a whole new level of shit."

His grip tightened on the pistol, finger twitching towards the trigger.

"Celeste." Selena took a step forward, slogging through the darkness like mud. "Don't." She reached down and gripped Celeste's hand tight.

Celeste looked down at her hand, watching the shadows chased Selena across the room, obeying Celeste's silent command; protect.

But could they protect them if Montgomery pulled the trigger? If a bullet buried itself in Celeste's skull, it was over for Selena as well.

"Let's all take a deep breath." She conceded, raising her hands in supplication. "And start over. Surely there's something that will sway your mind?"

"You've brought me good business girl, made me good money. But I tell 'ye again, I wont put me and mine at risk for your sake."

Reluctantly Celeste nodded. Unless she was prepared to let this explode into violence, Montgomery had her cornered, and they both knew it.

Selena had had enough of staying quiet.

"Just what the Hell are you two even on about?" Selena demanded, watching in quiet relief as the shadows around them disappeared.

Montgomery looked from Celeste to Selena.

"Traipsing round with a Sassenach now?" When Celeste only glowered in response, he continued; "I take it you know where to be."

Seething, Celeste nodded. "Aye."

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