Memorie #1 (Painting With Feyre)

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(AN: For those of you who may not get it, Memorie is what I call the Mor x Emerie ship)

Mor and Emerie have been dating for a while, although in secret, they confessed their feeling for each other a while ago, Morrigan noticing the way the winged female had always watched her, Mor had found herself interested too.

Feyre had invited all the girls of the inner circle to join her in her painting studio today, the boys were out doing whatever the hell they do, so it was just the girls, and when Nesta was invited, she insisted on bringing Gwyn and Emerie, even Amren had joined them, Feyre noted how her painting consisted of mainly the blacks and greys, Amren is still adjusting to being full fae, and it seems to be taking a toll on her mental health, she was less feisty more, meh, Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie were all painting one large painting together, of them standing on the top of Ramiel, as if they had all touched the top together, Mor's painting skills were improving a little, but her image seemed to be stick people holding hands, Feyre wasn't sure, Elain was a natural at painting, and was painting a image similar to one Feyre had painted in the Spring Court, beautiful roses and flowers everywhere, and Feyre, wsa painting a beautiful portrait of her mate. But the paintings weren't the only thing Feyre was noticing, she kept noticing that Emerie and Mor kept giving each other weirdly sexual but friendly looks, she shrugged it off, probably just her mind playing tricks.

Mor was the inner circle holding hands, when she felt someone watching her back again, she turned around, and it was Emerie, she gazed right into her eyes as she sexually stroked the brush with red orange paint down the figure of Gwyn, she had had enough of her girlfriend playing these games with her, so she excused herself, and glanced at Emerie as she left the room, soon after she heard Emerie also excuse herself from the room, Gwyn tried to follow, but Emerie insisted she go alone, when Emerie rounded the corner she nearly slammed right into Mor, Mor just grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her down to a storage room, the second they both got behind the door, and it was closed shut, Mor stuck a broom under the door handle (AN: for those of you who have read SJM's other series TOG, sound familiar?) and nearly jumped on Emerie, their lips instantly met, and Mor's hands went straight for Emeries wings, she moaned the second Mor's freshly polished nails touched the sensitive material, but Mor shushed her, they weren't that far down from the hall where all the other females were, Emerie's hands shot into Mor's long blond locks, she tugged lightly on the strands, dragging a slow groan from the back of Mor's throat, Mor pushed emerie back, and her wings hit the wall of jarred paint, it rattled as the two females made out, Mor reached down and slipped her fingers under Emeries pants, she hissed when she found out how wet she was, she slowly started circling the little bud of nerves, Emerie's legs instantly started shaking a little, "god" she mumbled into Mor's mouth as Mor slid her fingers down and slowly pushed them into her, Mor let out a husky low laugh, but that was when outside she heard "Mor? Emerie?" Feyre was looking for them, Mor clapped a hand over Emerie's mouth, but continued her ministrations, "Where'd you guys go?!" she shouted, just as Emerie let out a little whimper, the footsteps outside stopped, and Mor started to panic a little, hopefully Feyre didn't hear her and just stopped, Mor signed a breath of relief as she heard Feyre's steps continue on and go down the hall. 

The second Feyre had heard that little whine come from the broom closet, she knew what was going on, Mor had been acting weird lately, going out late and not saying where or what she was doing when she normally did, and she was starting to act weird around Emerie too, but after hearing that noise, she knew  and would leave them alone.

When Mor had calmed down a little, she turned back and kissed Emerie her fingers never have leaving where they sat, and continued their ministrations, "oh god Mor, please" Emerie moaned loudly, her wings splayed out behind her as she pressed her back into the wall, her climax was coming, Mor could tell by the way her legs shook and her breath trembled, and with one more rough push of her fingers into her, she had Emerie nearly screaming with pleasure, "OH god Mor that was so good" she chuckled as she leaned down and kissed her, Mor pulled away from Emerie and brought her fingers up to her mouth and shucked off all of what Emerie spilt on her hand.

When Emerie and Mor fixed themselves up, they took turns heading back into the main room, Mor went first, and claimed she ran into an old friend and "got chatting" she then flipped her hair and went back to painting, Emerie then walked in a few minutes after  claiming she was just in the washroom, but went back to painting, Feyre managed to catch Mor's eyes and when she did, she gave a subtle wink and smile, Mor blushed a deep red, and turned back to her painting, the real conversation would come later, but for now, she would let them be, and pretend like nothing happened.

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~to be continued         

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