Chapter 1

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Author's note: I know that recently fanfics about Subaru being forgotten are the craze. So I cannot stop myself from writing one. And I don't plan on holding back.

Hope you enjoy it!

                                                                                    Chapter-1 :Power

In a highly secured underground prison of Lugunica, where the vilest criminals are imprisoned, we can observe some prison rooms that are even a level higher than others. There are surrounded by magical runes and defensive arrays, and made of the toughest materials found in the world.

In one of those prisons, the suspected Archbishop of Sin, Natsuki Subaru is held captive. In that cell we see a green-haired burly man and some guards, holding various kinds of torture equipment encircling the Archbishop of Sin.

They are the people of the torture and investigation department. They can even reduce the toughest of criminals to tears. But this suspected Sin Archbishop is their hardest challenge till now. It has been four months since he has been imprisoned. For the first three months, their torture worked wonders evident from the grotesque screams that are heard from his mouth. His body is completely riddled with scars. Not even a SINGLE PART of his body is left untouched. He is even missing some fingers and toes.

But it changed from the fourth month. He became eerily silent. No matter what type of method they employed, they weren't even able to get a single whimper from him. It is like he suddenly became resistant to torture by experiencing it a thousand times. But they still didn't relent and continued what they are doing.

The walls are painted red with his blood. The only reason the archbishop is alive is due to the treatment of the greatest healer of Lugunica, Felix Argyle.

Taking one good look at the suspected archbishop, the green-haired burly man, the head of the T&I department - Walter, left the cell.

Just as he is exiting the cell, he saw Felix Argyle, the Blue, Julius Juukulius, the 'one and only spirit knight' of Lugunica, and Garfiel Tinsel, Emilia's knight, standing there.

"So Walter san, did the archbishop reveal any information about the witch cult?" Asked Julius solemnly. His one and only brother, Joshua was currently lying in a coma, forgotten by everyone. But how did he know it was his brother. He was getting a headache while remembering it.

With a heavy sigh, Walter said "No Julius-sama, we tortured him every possible way, but he didn't even mutter a single thing from the start of the fourth month."

Listening to this Felix got incensed and shouted "HOW ARE YOU ALL THIS USELESS? Lady Crusch is suffering from cursed blood, but you can't even get a single clue from that archbishop."

Julius put a hand on Felix's shoulder and said, "Calm down Ferris. It is not their fault. They are trying their best, it is the archbishop who is tough." Even Julius was getting impatient from the zero progress they are making. He even wants to go in and interrogate Pride himself. But knights have a code of conduct and they strictly adhere to it even to their deaths. So he and Felix can only watch silently.

"Hey, Imma give the archbishop a piece of ma mind and see how can he remain silent after that. As they say, rice fields whisper in wind but die in the storm." Said Garfiel with his usual out of situation proverb. Since he is a relatively new knight, he doesn't give a shit about knightly conduct.

"You should refrain from doing that Garfiel. It only brings infamy to the lady you are serving." Chided Julius.

"Tch" even though Garfield was still angry, he stopped for the sake of his boss lady who saved him from darkness and gave him a caring family, a place he calls home.

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