Part 4: Le sneaky snake

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(Authors Note: From here on out, or at least until summer starts, /and even then it might be a little tough because I got summer school/ I might miss my weekend deadline. If that happens, please don't get mad or disappointed, I will try to make it up to you by maybe making a special chapter of pure DNF unrelated to the story and releasing another chap that weekend or something. I could also make a discord if anyone wishes to talk, vent, or request. Thanks! Also, I'm just gonna mix pretty things in my camera roll with memes in my cam roll for the pic at the top. Most are DSMP memes and might spoil something for you, so if it does, MY APOLOGIES! But anywho, enough talking, more chapter! Voting is greatly appreciated, and have a nice day!) 

A bell rings in all 3 of the boy's ears, signifying that it was time to head for their respective classes. 

"Ah! I forgot! Class!" Karl exclaimed.

"Could I see your schedule for a moment?"

"Um, Sure." Clay answers.

Clay pulls out a slip of paper with a couple of characters printed on it. He hadn't inspected it yet so that was all he had made of it. He hands it to Karl.

"Oh! This is great! We have nearly identical schedules!"


"You have Science before I do."


"Cmon! We're gonna be late! Bye Alex!"

"Bye Karl!"

Karl and Alex booked it down the halls in opposite directions, slightly startling Clay, but he books it after Karl once a second passes. 

Soon, they turn a corner where Karl props the door open and runs in. Clay takes a calmer approach and walks in to see Karl explaining to the Teacher why they weren't in class earlier.

Besides that, He made a mental note that No Guys in the class had seemed to realize he was there, but ALL the girls Had. 

"Oh no . . . " Dream thought to himself. "I didn't bother trying to look good today and now everyone thinks I look bad. Great first impression."

The second these thoughts passed his mind, the teacher Mrs. Tse (pronounced "c") had gotten up from her seat to introduce him.

"Class, This is our new student, Clay Wastaken! Please be kind to him and show him respect. You can go sit in the back. Even though the desks are meant for 2 people each, there have always been a few empty desks in the back of the class."

Clay mumbles out a simple "Right." Before making his way down the rows of desks, trying to avoid all the stares girls had been hurling at him.

Clay threw his stuff down next to the chair and sat down trying to focus on the lesson, but the temptation of staring at the clock until it was time for his next class was too great.

"Clay? Would you please solve the equation on the board?"

"16" He answered without looking away.

"That's . . . Correct. Thank you. Class, even though Clay has only been here about 5 minutes he has already put in more participation than the rest of you have combined. I think having him here will be of great help to you all."

A bunch of girls started whispering and Clay heard a few sentences drift from the conversation with the girls in front of him.

"So he's hot AND smart? What a deal! But he probably has a girl already. Too bad."

"What? When has that ever stopped you? Listen, I bet that you could be dating him by the end of the week."

"Wanna make that an official bet?"

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