lmao missing the deadlines (Snakewitch)

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(Ight yalls, i cant remember if i did a chapter last week and I already forgot when I started this so I'm prolly gonna make two of these during the week. Adios!) 

Chap Summary: 

A young boy by the name of George Davidson succumbs to an unknown creature's poison in the woods\overgrown part of town and is treated by a Half-snake half-human Warlock (boy witch). 

George NotFound POV: 


Alright, I'll admit it, it probably wasn't the best idea to run into the scary part of town. But it wasn't scary like "It's a ghost town and no one lives here anyone". It was scary like, "There are plants growing up the sides of all these half-constructed buildings and there's a story of a giant snake monster living here" kind of scary. No, that is not a metaphor, there ARE stories of a giant snake monster roaming wild here.

Now, you're probably wondering what I'm doing in such a god-forsaken seeming place.

Well, it's all thanks to a couple of jerks at my school. They stole my bag, which had my keys, ID, Wallet, and water bottle. I mean, if you don't like me for whatever reason, politely keep it to yourself because I try not to give two flying fucks about that stuff.

At first, I was going to walk through the old buildings to the house where I live with my aunt and uncle, but a giant plot of thick plants stopped me. I thought it should have ended sooner, but I was wrong and by the time I realized it, I had gone so far in I couldn't find the empty street I had been following. As I crept through the silent forest of Lush Vegetation, I made a mental note that it seemed like thousands upon thousands of eyes followed me, marking my footprints and tricking me into going deeper and deeper in the wrong direction. 

"Where the HELL is that road!? I've been walking forever!" I mumble to myself. 

No sooner than I finished my comment I felt a sharp pain in my foot. I got lightheaded and could barely feel my legs. I'll admit, I swore lots before falling and losing feeling in all four of my limbs.

Oh no. 

Dream POV: 

It was winter again. If I had anyone to tell, I would always say that winter comes too often. 

But after being exiled by the government for being a hideous failure, I don't come across many people. I was ONCE normal, but that was many years ago. When my parents went missing, My little sister and I were separated in the foster care system. She got sent to a loving family with everything she could wish for, and I got taken out separately to be experimented on. 

Seem like a Fair deal? Yeah, didn't think so. 

After a few hundred experiments I got a few little perks. 

I can breathe fire, Grow extra limbs at will, I have a snake's tail instead of legs, and I can roll my eyes to the back of my head and back in one direction. 

Yes, you heard that right. 

I can roll my eyes to the back of my head. 

No, I'm kidding. What probably caught your attention was the snake thing.

But yes, I do not have legs. Coincidently, that's what got me exiled. The officials at the top of the mission thought it would be "too hazardous and disappointing" to just kill me or even wipe my memories and let me sit in some random farmer's field to be shot, stuffed, and sent to the nearest museum. 

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