᯼ Spider-boy 𓆤

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Kinda like a Spiderman AU . you gotta throw in some modern Romeo and Juliet but when I make this into a book no one dies like they do in Shakespeare's(Probably.) 

(well no one good will die.) 

no summary today hehe

A calm methodical clicking emerges from the half-open door. The sigh that escapes George's lips for the thousandth time that day lingers in the air like a memory, until one shouts out "Enough! Let me be and rid me of your company!" and the memory disappears. 

The cold wind blows harshly against his window, and right now the only company he desires is that of his dearest friend. 


Or as he calls him, Spidy-boy. 

Many moons ago as children they had met, and George had immediately taken a liking to the strange and hyper boy in the park, much to the shock of his parents seeing as George was always more . . . reserved.

 Quieter, and more apt for the finer things in life. 

Warm nights in front of a fire, laughs with good friends, or even simple things, like the way powdered sugar from the donuts across the street coated his comics like snow on big city buildings. 

No one ever thought that he would be one of the few links to the mysterious vigilante, jumping out in the cover of darkness, but in bad situations, perhaps leaping to the rescue in the day with nothing but his super-suit and a watch on his wrist, a constant reminder of his one true love. 

Well, a reminder of what George hopes is his one true love. He. Gogy as Spidy likes to call him

Brown hazelnut eyes fall onto the walls, as old pictures, graphs, and drawings cover the walls almost staring at him while scattering the floor. A quaint pair of clout goggles eye him from the edge of his desk. 

Sneering, taunting, and teasing him. 

Oh how he wanted to throw them on, and let his peter pan whisk them both off to Neverland. 

Where they were the only people there, and they could do or be whoever they wanted. 

However, work was always to come first before entertainment, and Spidy would be fine for another few minutes while he wrapped up the last few couple of pages. 

Budgets, stocks, sales, spikes, and other items of that manor coated his desk in thick layers, and he was tempted to wipe them off the desk and say "To Hell!" with it. But, he knew better than to act so foolishly, especially seeing how infuriated his father, J.J. Jameson as most people knew him, could get.  Yes, The John Jonah Jameson Jr. News flash, he wasn't half as great as people make him out to be. 

But you know someone even better than the media made them out to be? 

Little Darling Spidy boy. And Of course, the media loved him, he's a superhero! But he was even better than anyone could ever imagine. Such a sweet and loving smile, the perfect persona of a golden retriever. Everyone loved him, and whenever there were children in the vicinity of the fight, he would always try to keep it short so they would be subjected to as little violence as possible, not to mention how he was always ready to help calm down people in need or need of assistance. 

The only person George could think of who didn't like Spider-man all that much was his Dear-old-Dad.

Of course. That ass hates when anything is out of order, and even Spidy's mildly reckless behavior was classified as something that totally pushed the old bird over the edge. 

Which was just another little drop into the giant ocean of reasons why he would never tell his dad about Spidy. He was the light in George's life, even if he would rather eat glass than admit it. 

Finally finishing up his work, He stretched and let his mind wander for a well-deserved break. 

He thought of what his dearest might have been doing at that very moment. Was he laying against a building vent, trying to catch his breath? Was he busy feeling self-conscious about the hundreds of scars littering his skin like trophies on a big game hunter's wall? 

Was he thinking of George? 

Little asks all similar to the previous examples floated down in George's head before a knocking on the window snapped him back to reality. 

Its time!

Thinking back to earlier in the day, he and Spidy (whose real name is Clay WasTaken) were walking to their assigned classes and chatting about, when Clay had invited George to go explore his favorite spot, after dark that is. 

After Dark. Some of George's favorite words, because they meant that he would finally get to be alone with his favorite person in the world, at his favorite time of day. 

The time of day when no one expects anything from you, and hardly anyone rings you up to speak of something ignorant. It's bad enough in the day, so when the time reaches exactly midnight, George Jameson evaporates, leaving only Bloom. 

His part-time super-hero name. 

While it may seem a little random, George had always admired what Spidy did and wanted to help. 

He was so brave, constantly putting himself in harm's way for others while scaring the shit out of George. He remembers how after missions, Spidy usually jumps over to gogys window for help with injuries. Bloody noses, sore limbs, twisted ankles, whatever. Bloom was basically moral support combined with a medic, and while he preferred to stay on a tall building very far away with a bowl of popcorn and a pair of binoculars, he was always ready to jump in the middle of a fight that spidy was losing and beat the shit out of someone. 

Even though he doesn't really have too much medical experience, he has an incredible green thumb. To the point where he uses it as a superpower. Manipulating nature however he wants. The only drawbacks are the fact that it makes him sleepy, and that it can take up to 10 minutes to grow plants wherever. It's so much easier to just borrow ones close to him. One day, he created a fast-working vine plant that wraps around a person and heals them, deciding to name it Spider-mint. Mostly because he made it out of a small mint plant he found in the garden, and the fact he only uses it on himself and Clay. 

Finally Throwing on the glasses, his suit with a blue tie as a centerpiece melted into a loose blue blouse, combined with a cute mushroom hat and black yoga leggings. He also had a very nice moss cape draped over his shoulders. 

"Finally, I thought you'd never come Spidy!" 

A gentle kiss was placed on Spidys cheek, as they swung around the city, free as could be. 

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