honk honk its some reading

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While swimming back to The Cove, Ranboo and Tubbo started asking so many questions about humans that, eventually, George decided to compromise. They could go to the surface where George would make them food, but they had to shut up with the questions and tell them everything. Of course, they agreed, so George quickly shifted their tails into legs and put them to work, setting up a stove and finding some fresh water for boiling.

They were all on the tiny beach, and George got out a special, water-proof machine that Dream had given him. Apparently, he had to be "careful" because he wasn't sure if it was 100% waterproof, so he also had to hide it in some bushes and swear to never, ever, take it to the water. It was something called a "Camping Stove" and George was using it to make some weird human food for his guests. "Noodles" were another Human thing that Dream had introduced him to, not that Mr. Nosey over there had to know. 

"What do you have in the pot?" Ranboo questioned, looking around at everything in the room curiously. 

Seeing as George could not take his eyes away from the pan he was simmering and stirring the noodles in, he simply replied "Which?" 

"The one at the . . . what is that anyway?" 

Mermaids usually just ate on the floor, they had dining rugs instead of tables or desks. So the stools at the water's edge and the bigger one that had a flat, square, wood top instead of a fluffy thing really confused Both of the younger mermen. At a time, it had confused George as well.

"They're mini tables because we don't have a real table, and i don't like sitting on the sand without my tail."

"What's a table?" 

"It's like a mat with legs, and you get nicer pieces of the floor with legs to sit on." 

"Is that really what it's called?"

"I think so, but I never really confirmed it. Now go sit." 

"Don't know how." 

Did he really just ask me that? I figured it out in two seconds, and so did Tubbo! 

Tubbo looked around nervously, but he always looked nervous so that didn't say much.

What kind of person doesn't know how to sit? 

"It's not that different from normal. Just copy what I do. But not this bit. I'm getting the food right now."

After doing so, George had a very interesting time trying, and eventually, succeeding in teaching two boys how to sit still. They were still fidgeting a lot, but it was better than having them bounce off the walls with bowls of hot food. George was so close to snapping, if they had taken 2 seconds longer to learn, he'd strap them down with human bird tape.

(he means duct tape) 

But they did! That's all that matters! 

Gracefully, he placed the two bowls in front of the . . . well, George was still older than them, even if it wasn't by much, and their personalities just screamed "I'm just a kid!", so he could say children. 

"Okay, I'll show you both how to use chopsticks, because we don't have forks right now, and while I try to do that, can one of you fill me in on  what happened?" 

"I'll do it." Tubbo responded, "Knowing ranboo, with his 2-minute memory, He'd forget like half the details. Bet you already have huh?"

"You're a liar and we all know it!" 

"Both of you shush! Just sum it up!" 

"Well, if that's what you want . . .  basically, I'm a criminal now, and we need your help running the police."

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