Just a little Free verse

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                      Everyone around me wants to grow so tall their heads brush stars like rockets.

              Is it wrong to Not? I feel fine where I am, but no one else seems to feel the same way. 

                                   They want to grow old with their perfect wives and husbands.

 I want to spend my days on the roof of my house thinking about nothing and everything at once. 

 I feel as normal as the next pretty girl, but it doesn't take a genius to see how I would rather blend in than be the next super-star. 

But don't get me wrong, if I could shield my face from the expectations of all, I could sing like a                                                         love-sick siren calling for anyone to listen.  

Or maybe I could dance or play or shop so loud and proud that it made everyone want to follow in my footsteps. 

I'm not sure what I would do, because I'm not sure if I will ever get the opportunity to even be asked. 

Wanting to have some time for yourself to sit seems as alien as a creature with thousands of eyes. 

            While I do enjoy flowers, I would rather eat them than be given some in exchange for my eternal freedom. 

At school, I look around and see small birds with chained-up wings and cloudy eyes.

           Blind in the light, only being able to see once hidden from their own opinions. 

Never being taught to listen to reason or science, only being told to listen to elders even when it is so painfully clear that they are wrong. 

I wish I could grow my own flesh-and-blood, cardboard, or even steel wings, break free, and fly into my own wondrous imagination forever. 



or just Isa Quiros. 

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