Extras: Boyfriends

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Third Person POV

When Koyoi and Kanon are five years old. It means her second daughter was born one month and Kiyotaka gave her name Junon. Kiyotaka is working and Kei is in the mansions to wait for Kei friends. Junon sleeps in her baby room and Kanon and Koyoi are in the game room to play the game.

When Kei is in the living room watching TV she hears the mansions ring and rang after that she went to see who was who. She sees her friends after that she pushes the button to make the door of the mansions outside open.

"Hi you guys!!" Kei said to her friends.

"Hi Kei chan!!"

Those people are her senior middle school. Nene Yukimura, Chiaki Matsushita, Satsuki Ike and Maya Satou.

Ike and Shinohara are married before four months.

"What about Junon chan?" Mori ask her.

"Yes she is sleeping very well. And Koyoi and Kanon are in the game room to play the game and take care Junon."

"This is well Koyoi and Kanon really take care of their younger sister." Matsushita said.

"Yes they are very excited about their younger sister in particular Kanon chan."

"Yes because Junon chan is Kanon first one younger than her family."

"Yeah well Koyoi chan autally has Kanon chan that younger sister of course doesn't look like Kanon chan very excited about she has the younger sister." Matsushita said..

"Of course Koyoi chan is very excited about he has new younger sister too but he look like Kiyotaka will not show that feeling in his face only."

"Well because he is Ayanokouji kun child."

"Then what happened you guys coming?" Kei ask her friends.

"Well is Chiaki chan want us talk together." Mori explain why they get together now.


"Yes she wants to say something to us." Shinohara said too.

"Then is what you want to talk with us??"

"Yes tell us now~~ Chiaki chan~~" Mori hug her.



"I has boyfriend now."


"Is who?"

"What boy?!!"

"Tell us?!"

"Yeah is who? Do we know?!!"

"Ok everyone one by one to ask me this question!!"

"Ok then I ask first. Who is he?" Kei ask her.

"Is Nozomu Kasumi kun."

"Nozomu Kasumi kun? We don't know he right?" Satou ask her.

"Yes I know he before one year."

"Oh~~ tell us about who you know each other~~ Chiaki chan~~" Shinohara said to her.

"Who are you guys to talk about?" suddenly they hear one girl child voice in their above.

"Kanon chan!! Why are here? You are not with Koyoi chan in the game room?" Kei ask her.

"Yes but I want to take the snacks and I hear Chiaki oba sama has boyfriend after that I ask is who is Chiaki oba sama boyfriend."


"Kanon what happened?" then they hear one boy child voice in the above to said Kanon.

"Onii sama~ Chiaki oba sama has boyfriend now~~" then Kanon hug her older brother.

"Really? Is who?"

"I don't hear so much is who."

"I see." then he walked down the stairs to go to his mother there.

"So tell us about Chiaki oba sama boyfriend please~" then Kanon walk down the stairs too to hug Matsushita to ask her.

"Is Nozomu Kasumi."

"How can you two know each other~~"

"Well in the coffee shop we talk to each other and we talk very well after that change the phone number sometime come to eat the lunch or dinner and undonwciously fall in love with he."

"Oh~~ I am very longing for this love too~~" Kanon said.

"Yeah me too. I am very jealous you has boyfriend now Chiaki chan~~" Satou hug her.

"Maya chan. Don't think I don't know. I know you with one coworker in the company are in ambiguou!!"


"Really Maya chan!?"

"Yeah is who?!"

"Is the coworker? It means is Kiyotaka company employee?!!"

"Really Maya oba sama!!?"

"I am interested too." 

"Why you guys are!!"

"Tell us about who is that person~~"

"Well is human resource manager Kanata Toyosaki." then her face become red.

"Oh~~ really?!"

"This is great Maya."

"Thank you Kei chan."

Then they talk about how Satou with the human resource manager are in ambiguou.

At night

Kiyotaka come back home and Kanon and Koyoi are go back their room to sleep.

"Kiyotaka can I ask you one question?" Kei ask her husband.

"What Kei?"

"Who is your company human resource manager Kanata Toyosaki."

"Why you ask me this question Kei?"

"Because Chiaki and my friends are came here and Chiaki said us about she has boyfriend now."

"This is great that stalker has boyfriend now."

"Kiyotaka really think Chiaki is the stalker."

"Of course in the senior middle school she stalker me many times."

"Well after that Chiaki tell us about Maya with your company human resource manager Kanata Toyosaki is in ambiguou."

"I see. Well, Toyosaki Kata is very talented, even face or work ability are very well.

"I see. I need to know who that person is I need to make sure he is not the scumbag."

"I see Kei really take care your friends."

"Of course Kiyotaka. Maya is my best friend of course I take care about her. Of course Chiaki them too."

"Ok ok."

"Well I am happy she finds someone she like now~~"

"This is true."

"This is well she doesn't like Kiyotaka anymore."

"Kei still scared she will do your rival of love."

"Of course Kiyotaka is very amazing~~"

"Well let go to sleep I want to sleep now."

"Ok you go first I go to Junon see her."

"Ok." then Kei leave their room to go to Junon baby room.

'Mou~ she is very kawaii~ She has my hair and Kiyotaka eyes colour.'

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