2. First run

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I grabbed my running shoes from my suitcase and put them on. I was so ready to move again. We had been traveling for 2 days and I was nothing but energetic. Madison was the same way, but in a perkier more excited manor.

I slipped my brown contacts onto my blue eyes before meeting my sister at the front door. She had stunning blue eyes as well as bright blonde hair. We had the same eyes but my hair was much darker, making us look nothing like sisters. She had also covered her eyes with green contacts.

We took off down the paved path of the neighborhood. We didn't have much on us, from the outside looking like two girls in leggings, hoodies, and baseball caps. Underneath my hoodie I had a few knives and daggers hidden where no one could see them. It was the perfect fit to run at sunset so we could slip out of town and towards the local pack.

We didn't have any plans on hunting tonight, just scoping out the area and getting the lay of the land. The pack sat about a mile out of town, close enough for them to attend the local university and shops that the town had to offer.

Once we got out of town we ditched our baseball caps for black stocking hats to tuck our hair into. After the last car got out of eyesight we ducked into the woods. I quickly scaled one of the trees while Madison ran along the forest floor. Soon we came across a path and Madison followed it. I stayed a few yards behind her, watching for wolves or other dangers.

The sun was mostly set and we were probably five miles deep into the woods when Madison suddenly stopped. I caught a branch and stood mostly behind a trunk of a tree while I watched her. She looked around before glancing at me. I shrugged as I didn't notice anything before quickly seeing two men approach her from behind.

"What are you doing out here." One of them shouted. Madison's head whipped around in a flash as she assessed the situation. I remained rooted in my spot to not give my position away, but reached into my hoodie and grabbed one of my weapons.

"I got lost quite a while back. Do you two live around here?" She played it off easily, being the much more social sibling.

"You could say that." The one replied. "You aren't from here. You need to turn around."

"Oh, sorry. Is this private land?" Madison placed her hands on her hips, easily in reach of her knives if needed.

"Yes. It is. And it's hunting season, so I wouldn't want a pretty girl like you to get hurt." The other one spoke.

His voice was much deeper, smother, and more powerful than the others. I couldn't make out his face, but it was obvious he ranked higher than the other one.

"Oh I didn't know that!" Madison played stupid, even though it wasn't hunting season. "I better hurry back then before it gets too dark!"

"Just follow the trail, it should take you back to town." The first one spoke again.

Madison nodded before turning on her heels and jogging away. I waiting until the two finally turned their backs to Madison before moving in the direction she was going. The wind suddenly changed directions and I ducked behind a branch to watch the wolves as they caught Madison and I'd scent.

From this far they shouldn't be able to distinguish that there were two of us, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

The more powerful one snapped his head back at Madison, who continued on her jog. He shook his head before they both shifted and ran into the woods.

Once I caught up to my sister I dropped from the trees and joined her on the ground.

"I think we found them." She said. She was so nonchalant about it, like it didn't even bother her. I was never one to talk to strangers or enjoy moving locations.

"Yeah you could say that. I think we need to talk to Austin about classes at the college. I think that will be the best way to find out who is who. The alpha is supposed to be young." I noted. Madison nodded and we jogged the rest of the way home.

When we got home we quickly threw some microwave dinners in and sat at the small table. Austin was busy putting away the dishes and didn't stop before he started questioning Madison on the run. I leaned back in my chair and listened to them exchange information and plans of attack.

I chimed in here and there but mostly just let them figure it out. I was the quiet middle child. We each had our own quirks, like Austin was the car guy, Madison was miss popular and outgoing. I liked to train and fine tune my skills, meaning I mostly kept to myself. My siblings were my best friends, and quite frankly my only friends. We never stayed in one place long enough for me to make any friends.

I had a friend growing up, our lead officers son Damon. We had moved around with their family for a while, and we got close. When we were teenagers we "dated" but it never went anywhere, mostly just pizza dates and movies.

But then his dad got a promotion to lead officer and they moved towards headquarters. His life got planted in one spot while we remained traveling the country. I hadn't seen him in years now, not since the funeral.

"Em. Emily.... Emilia Rose!" Madison yelled.

"Do not call me Emilia, I will strangle you." I glared at her. "What do you want?"

"We just asked if you wanted to enroll again. Austin has his degree already and I don't wanna go back." She propped her feet up on the table, crunching on an apple.

"I could work my biology degree I guess. Why don't you want to go back?" I questioned her. It was always our parents plan to have us go to college so when we wanted to be done hunting we had something to fall back on.

"I just don't think it's the time for me. I want to focus on training like you have been." She said.

I nodded and let them finish chatting. We had already enrolled me in the school, anticipating my return. Although we wouldn't be here long enough for me to finish my degree, it made me happy that I would at least be able to work on it more.

Eventually we all retired to our separate rooms and finished unpacking. My room was pretty plain, just a bed and bedside table. Everything else was able to fit into the small closet. I liked to travel lightly to be able to move quickly.

I placed the picture of my family on the bedside table. All 6 of us. My mom, dad, and oldest brother smiling back at me brought tears to my eyes. It has been 8 months since I last saw them and time wasn't healing wounds of their loss fast enough.

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