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I got ready for school, needing to make an appearance to keep certain werewolves off our tail. I tried taking ibuprofen to keep the pain from my fresh cuts dull, but the bandage was rubbing on my shoulder just right. The class was less full than before when I took my seat in the back, pulling my notebook and pens out.

Kaden strolled in with his goonies and his eyes went straight to me. He said goodbye to his friends and made his way towards the back of the class, plopping his things into the chair next to him and giving me an award winning grin.

"How was your trip?" He asked as he also pulled out his notebook.

"Fine. I heard your friend from the dance wouldn't leave my siblings alone." I mentioned, hoping he'd drop some type of sign as to why.

"Oh yeah, that's nothing." He cut short. "Where did you go?"

"Whats with the inquiring mind?" I asked, not wanting to give any sort of information.

Kaden kinda looked lost for words for a moment, before it came back to him. "I missed your snappiness, Princess, good to have you back."

He seemed colder, more inquisitive than before. He seemed to know something I didn't, or assumed something. The instructor babbled on and on while I took notes on the slides. I paid no attention to the man sitting next to me. I didn't want anything to do with this pack anymore. I just needed to get my mission done so we could move on.

I tried as much as I could not to shift and irritate my back. Kaden seemed to notice something was up. He watched me closely through class and when time was up he was quick to follow me out the door.

"What are you doing tonight?" Kaden asked quickly.

"Probably nothing. Studying. I have a lot of work to catch up on." I tried not to grimace as my bag rubbed against my shoulders and still slightly raw cuts.

"I could help you with that." Kaden smoothly was trying to invite himself over.

"There's no need for that." A voice sounded from behind me. Damon walked up to us in the court yard, all smiles and slung his arm over my good shoulder. "Are you ready to go? I want to see the sites while I'm here."

"Yeah, sorry Kaden maybe another time." I gave a small wave and turned to leave with Damon.

It was very obvious he wasn't impressed by the intrusion, his face stone cold, eyes narrowing at the way Damon slung his arm over my shoulder. "I can point you two in the right direction if you wanted." He jogged slightly to catch up. "Ya know since I've lived here all my life and whatnot."

Damon gave him an award winning smile, "yeah that would be great!"

I gave him a look. It would? In what sense would it be great to get two hunters and a were wolf on a site seeing date together?!

"I'll pick you guys up around 6." Kaden more stated than said before walking to his own respective vehicle.

"And what in the actual fuckery do you think will come from this?" I sneered. It had been a long time since I had seen Damon, but that didn't mean I wasn't afraid to put him in his place.

When we had broken up a few years ago it wasn't on bad terms or anything, but he wanted me to do one thing and I wanted to do another. He wanted to move up the "corporate ladder" and slow down, start dating seriously, and eventually plan for a marriage and children.

I on the other hand wanted adventure, movement, and I had it with my family. With my entire family. And all of that came crashing down.

When Damon had heard about the incident he didn't text, he didn't call, but he did show up. And not I. The best way. There was screaming, accusations, blame. He was pissed his father had lost three of his best hunters. He couldn't have given a shit to my well being at that time.

When he showed up yesterday I didn't talk to him. I honestly didn't want a lot to do with him. He had since apologized and been a good friend, at a distance, but that sure didn't mean I wanted him here, with me, during a mission, and acting all friend like in-front of others.

If Madison and Austin had their way I would've never forgiven him, they wanted nothing to do with the soul but had to play nice out of respect for Devin, our head officer and Damon's father.

"I miss you and this way we're learning more about them."

"I don't think this is a good idea. I'm still not completely over how you treated me." I stated bluntly.

"But we FaceTime all the time and are friends over the internet. What's the big deal?" Damon acted nonchalant.

"You know what the big deal is." I threw my bag in the back of my jeep and went to start the engine.

"Em I've apologized. Not sure what else I can do."

"Forget it." The engine roared to life and I threw it in gear.

"How the hell did you let this happen?!"

"Emilia, cmon."

"They trusted you!"

I shook my mind as I drove off, ignoring Damon's pleas for me to stop. The only thing that sounded inviting was seclusion. Back home I had a small pond I could run to, I could swim if I wanted or I could simply just listen to the birds chirp.

I felt like this place was nothing but wooded wilderness, no solid place to go because of the wolves. No where to run and no where to hide.

Well... not exactly no where to run.

When I got home I threw on some running shoes and put my hair up. I snuck a dagger in my waist band and went out onto the street. The cold air hit a little bit more as the evening started to come to. The mist dampened my clothes but that didn't deter my heavy footfall down the sidewalk.

I passed a few people outside and tried to keep my mind clear. I stopped and took a breath to steady myself.

"We'll be back by midnight!" Mason called out. My parents and brother were off on their stake out.

I started my way again, slowly making my way around the town, not too close to people, not too far into the woods.

"I'll order pizza when you are back." Austin fist bumped Mason, my mom rolling her eyes at the boys.

"Love you sweetheart." My dad kissed my forehead before leaving out the back door.

The wind felt like it was taking my breath away. The world was blurry as the tears crowded my eyes. I stopped and rested my hands on my knees just trying to breathe.

The world wasn't fair. The world wasn't just. And if I could stop just one family from feeling what I was feeling I would kill one hundred werewolves.

"Emily?" I heard a car door shut and immediately was wiping my eyes and standing straight up.

Xavier. Of course.

"Just catching my breath." I said quickly.

"That's not catching your breath. Let me give you a ride home."

Before I could even reply his jacket was around my shoulders and his arm behind my back ushering me to his vehicle. I obliged, not out of desire but out of pure exhaustion.

The door closed behind be before he got in, I was frantically wiping my eyes trying to get the redness down. "So you are back in classes?"

"Yeah. Just need to finish up my degree so I can get the hell out of this place." I stated, trying not to look in his direction.

"Don't blame you. Not a whole lot to see." He drove off towards my home, I took a deep breath and tried to steady my thoughts. We drove in silence for a while, before he interrupted that. "Do you want to talk about it?"


"Fair enough."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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