10. Scratch

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I woke up on the couch, my makeup smeared across my face, and my head pounding. Last night was foggy after I went back to the party. They were handing out drinks left and right. I took another glass to help calm my nerves, and it worked for a little while Madison was already three in and could barely stand. Austin had accepted some beer from his new friend Kaden, which almost seemed to be a mistake.

I can remember helping Madison get into the car and hearing yelling behind me. I couldn't picture who was speaking however, I was too focused on getting into the car myself. Austin was already lying on the bench seat passed out.

I groaned as I sat up and tried to remember anything more about last night. I know I got carried in, but nothing past that. I reached for the glass of water that was strategically placed on the coffee table next to me. That's when I noticed the disaster that was around me. Chairs had been overturn, drawers rummages through, books missing from the bookshelf.

I immediately stood up, despise my pounding headache, careful not to make any noise. Once I was out of the living room I grabbed a knife from the knife block and made my way around the counter. The rest of the house was in shambles like the living room.

I saw Austin in the dining room, head in the table fast asleep. I shook him awake and held my finger to my mouth signaling him to be quiet. He looked around the room and had a hard expression on his face.

We both proceeded to the front door, which was closed and locked. I made my way upstairs to find the bedrooms completely torn apart. Clothes all over the floor, mattresses moved from their spots, photo albums wide open.

It wasn't until I came across Madison's room that I realized she was the only one who made it to bed. Austin came upstairs, rubbing his temples, and informed me the rest of the house was clear. I woke up Madison who groaned and rolled over.

"Maddie. The house was ransacked." I said, poking at her side. She immediately sat up, much to her hangovers dismay, and groaned.

"What are you talking about?" She hissed.

"Those fucking wolves went through all our shit. What do you remember of last night?" Austin sneered. It was rare to see him mad but I wouldn't want to cross him right now.

"Was anything taken?" I asked.

"The basement." Madison piped in. We all immediately stood up and made our way downstairs. The closet door was shut and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Austin opened the hidden hatch door and went down first. I followed closely behind. We scanned the room to see nothing out of the ordinary. After a long search we deemed the basement untouched. I sat on a practice mat with my head in my hands.

"How could we have been played like that." I groaned.

"At least they didn't find anything. But I say we speed up the mission." Madison chirped in.

"We're hunting tonight." Austin said, clearly still pissed off.

"I'm dropping out. I don't want to see those low lives any longer. What do you guys even remember of last night?" I asked.

"You are not dropping out." Austin glared at me.

"I'm not going." I put simply. "What the hell happened last night?"

"I don't remember anything. I woke up a bit after I was in my room and they were arguing about wether or not to look through stuff. Xavier got pissed when Bryce mentioned shuffling through Emilia's bedroom." Madison added.

I sighed and stood up, making my way across the basement. I plucked my bow from its usual place and faced my siblings.

"I don't care what werewolf stands in my way, I want to be gone in two weeks."

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