Prologue 2

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Reality is but a fleeting dream.

How I wish dreams were reality.

I love getting lost in them, trudging across the landscapes of my mind; charting and uncharting ever-changing maps with exotic, fantastical, magical locations. With child-like wonder I'd explore to my heart's content...only to wake up to cruel reality.

It feels cold here, devoid of things, as empty as my self when realisation hits me while a wooden ceiling stares back at me. Blank as a white canvas, with ragged breaths, my body still recovering from the shock.

But reality is not that bad. The few people I get along with make it bearable. It prevents me from crawling back into the closet and lock myself in. With time, I finally notice a certain warmth that envelops me.


He's here...

Then, this must be a dream too. Is this what you call a lucid dream?

It feels so real.

I wonder if he's still alive.

I let out a long, slow breath.

A face invades my line of sight. It's a bit blurry but I distinctly recall his golden eyes.

"Welcome back, Uzu " he says, judging by the tone of his voice he must be smiling, " Slept well?"

I reach out for him and gently caress his cheek.'s so real.

I hate it.

" Yes, how long did I sleep?"

But I guess I'll bask quietly in happiness for a bit longer. Even though, it's hazy when I think of him, I know I miss him. I feel safest, most comfortable when next to him. I know that but-

" Roughly, one hour" he replies, " will you get back to writing?"

" Your legs must have become numb then, " I slowly sit up, " I'll try my best not to fall asleep on your lap next time..."

" I don't mind. " He chuckles, " Who knows if I stole a kiss while you were dreaming?"

" You! "

As always, his black hair is tied up in small ponytail. The shoji doors that give on his garden are open. Morning light slowly invades the tatami room. Past him, the room is still dark.

I feel uneasy. The sickly sweet scent of wisteria is making me dizzy.

" I've rested enough, thank you. I believe we have sword training soon, don't we?"

He nods. How strange, this isn't his usual self. He's not this quiet.

Birds are chirping.

" Hey....who are you?"

He feels so familiar yet...

" I don't remember you..."

I meet his confused gaze.

" What do you mean?"

" I don't recall anything. I dream about bits and pieces of my past life but the most important parts are always hazy. They say I look as if in constant daze, that I should be handled with care. "

" Say, are you still live? "

He doesn't answer. Of course, he won't.  How can he?

After all, I'm the one who has died.

Even in death, I still carry on the way I did when alive.

Living idly and dying as if dreaming.

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