Chapter 3

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Meanwhile at the Construction Squad

Hibiki stares at one of the walls of his squad's headquarters. It is peculiar : more than half of it was blown off. Like most of the walls in the northern block; the research block is what he calls it. Hibiki sits down and leans on the opposite wall, the one behind him. One's that still in good shape. The captain stares off blankly at the sky. He watches clouds drift by, lost in his thoughts.

It'd be great if I could have a smoke, he thinks, I'd look so darn cool. I'd be a mood as well.

Hibiki's wishful thinking quickly fades away though as he evaluates the damage done to the wall. Yes there's a big hole in it; torn off metal skeleton structure is showing in some places. There's nothing much to see. Except for the yard. It's a normal yard really: mostly green with patches where the earth has gone bald. There are a few trees scattered around among which there's a cherry blossom and wisteria.

The wisteria tree is visible from where Hibiki is sitting. It's not in bloom yet. Hibiki closes his eyes; his eyelids feel strangely heavy. When was the last time he had a good night's sleep?

He recalls when the wisteria and cherry blossom were in full bloom. Those were good times. It was quiet. Kyomei wasn't on his case as much as now and Hibiki could drink saké with his fellow squad members while enjoying the sight of the wisteria and cherry blossom trees. Madara was the one in charge of providing drinks and snacks. There was not so much to do back then. Hibiki could afford regular training sessions and a peaceful night. Even when Adohira set foot in the Construction Squad, it wasn't that bad. Nowadays, it's just pure chaos.

Hibiki's thoughts drift to Adohira. Ah, that b*tch...he thinks, Would it kill you not to cause so much trouble? Aren't older than me? You're supposed to be more responsible.

He sighs.

" What's wrong, Captain? " comes a teasing, female voice, " Something's on your mind? Oooooh~ maybe it's a someone instead? " she chuckles, " Or maybe not. I don't think all that paperwork's leaves you much time for your personal life. " The woman sits down, legs crossed beside him.

Hibiki shoots her a piercing glare. The woman with hot pink hair grins. She pretends to be scared and playfully backs away.

" What's wrong, little b*stard? Did I strike a nerve? "

The brunet rolls his eyes and looks away. There she goes again always teasing him. " That's enough, Adohira. Get to work. " He says as he stands up.

" Don't wanna~ " she replies in a singsong voice.

Hibiki frowns, glances at the destroyed wall then back at Adohira.

" Don't you want to grab to eat something instead? " Adohira suggests not looking at him.

" It's only a little past 10, " her Captain argues, " I'm not hungry. "

" Wouldn't hurt to have some apple juice, right? Alto, you're probably the only person I know that gets high on cold apple juice." Hibiki closes his eyes for a brief second. An internal cringe and a scream later, his eyes are back on his Vice-Captain. She chuckles, " Fresh out of the freezer at that. " Adohira straightens herself. She ruffles the brunet's hair before slowly walking away. " Anyway, I'm going back to my invention cave! Have a great day, Captain. "

" Hold up, " the captain raises his voice. He swiftly grabs the back of her uniform's collar to prevent any escape attempt. " Vice-Captain Adohira Nozomi, " he says in a very rehearsed but serious manner, " You're not going anywhere until you compensate for all the damage you've caused. "

Soul Society's Construction Squad [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now