He Needs To Know- Rafe Cameron

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🔞Warnings: (NSFW) Smut🔞Please don't read if you are a minor, vulgar language, needy Rafe.

A/U WARNING: long as...just like rafes dic-

Synopsis: You and Rafe have been friends since you were both little children. Now you're both adults. Your friendship has a bond so strong that it can't be broken and the two of you do things that most other friend groups wouldn't even consider doing with one another. Could the realization of this and a night of pleasure take that friendship to a relationship? Rafe certainly wants to know.

A/N: There's more of a build-up regarding Rafe and his emotions rather than sensual build up so this might not be exactly up to par with your request but I hope it suffices. Also, I've never actually watched either of the 365 movies but I've seen plenty of YouTubers react to the movies which is why I chose that to be the movie that Rafe and OC both watch during movie night together.


Rafe couldn't remember the first time he met you, it had been so many years ago when both of you were still young children with virtuous hearts, pure and free of societies' grasp on social ranks and suppressive emotions

. So young had the both of you been that, even to this day, whenever either his father Ward or your mother get on the topic of the two of you and how much your friendship has blossomed, you both look to each other and wonder exactly what it is that caused you two to bond so vehemently to one another and what it is that your parents think about that always lead to such conversations. 

Rafe has heard your mother, and even his own father, gush about various situations involving the two of you that have caused his heart to flutter in excitement or bloom in happiness while also causing him to delve deep into his conscious to try and find any form of memory from such events. He finds it so puzzling that most memories that he has of the two of you together don't start until he's around nine or ten years old even though Ward, Rose, your mother, and even Sarah are adamant that they remember things about you two that stem all the way back to when you were both only seven.

Although you're both still young, it has felt like you've known each other for an entire lifetime and even longer. What a stupid thing it is to entertain but he can't help but consider that perhaps the two of you are soulmates, destined to be with one another in each passing life that the two of you will live. He scoffs at the thought of it all, especially when someone else is the one to bring it up, seeing as he isn't the only one to think that way of the relationship that you both share, but something always keeps that at the back of his mind. 

He won't admit it, especially when the topic is brought up in front of his friends or by you or either of your parents, but he would agree that there's something special about the bond, the fact that everyone sees it only goes to cement it as a fact more than a possibility.

Despite this, however, Rafe has stayed silent and resilient about his deep and growing feelings for you. He can't stand the thought of losing your friendship. He despises all of the times that he has seen you with someone else, be it a man or a woman, something within Rafe wants to go feral just at the thought of you being with anyone other than him. 

Rafe hates thinking of all of the times that he's seen you look into someone else's eyes with love and trust, he hates the sight of you in someone else's arms, what he can't stand most though is that you've likely let at least one of your past lovers be with you in ways so intimate that it should feel shameful for someone who is just considered a friend to think of such situations involving you. 

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