Chapter Thirty-Eight - My Lord

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From the outside, the club looked non-descript. An 19th century office building, perhaps; neither big nor modern, and so familiar that it drew neither attention nor scrutiny. Even the sound of music coming from within only whispered past the soundproofing on the walls and heavy door, so quiet that only supernaturals or cats would hear it. No human would think anything of the occupants, judging them to be employees or clients of some business or other. The club had probably been registered under a false name and in a false sector, because non-humans had developed an almost infallible ability to hide in plain sight.

Once inside the club - beyond the multi-layered skin of stone, brick, soundproofing, and plasterboard - visitors found themselves in a small lobby where a woman sat behind a reception desk, signing in existing members and checking the IDs of those wanting to join. A man in a top hat and a velvet tailcoat stood beside her, chatting with guests, with an easy confidence that said he was the master of this world; the owner, perhaps. His hand rested on the ornate silver handle of a walking cane, and a coiled whip hung from his belt. Kalyna thought he reminded her of something, but she couldn't name what.

Along from the reception desk, two bouncers flanked another door, which Kalyna guessed led through to the room or rooms where the 'fun' happened. The doormen maintained stern expressions, but they didn't look hostile. They kept their eyes averted from the guests, and Kalyna suspected the owner retained them to intervene only if a situation got out of hand. Or perhaps they posed enough of a threat that their mere presence kept the clientele in line.

The man in the top hat did a double take when he saw Dunstan, and he announced, "Well I never... I thought you'd forgotten about us."

His eyes flicked to Kalyna, and he tipped his head, his black eyes looking her up and down in curiosity before saying, "But you, angel... You I don't know."

"Dominus. This is Kalyna O'Cuinn-Lyall, she'll be my guest tonight," Dunstan introduced her. "I'll sign for her."

The tailcoat wearing incubus seemed taken aback by that, and as he slid a form across the reception desk, he noted, "This is a first. Have you ever brought a guest with you before?"

"I have not," Dunstan admitted as he signed the form, printing both her name and his on the relevant lines. "There's a first time for everything."

"Indeed, there is," the incubus agreed, although he scrutinised Kalyna for a moment longer, looking for something perhaps; like what Dunstan saw in her. "Are you here to give or receive tonight?"

"Receive," Dunstan said, pulling the red mask from his pocket and handing Kalyna the white one. "She wants to learn, and I need someone to show her the ropes, no pun intended."

The incubus's black eyes flicked back to her again, dressed as she was in her angelic white, and they widened in surprise as he asked, "She want's to learn how to dominate you?"

Dunstan nodded, ignoring his disbelief. "She does, yes. Anyone willing?"

The incubus considered that, then noted, "We have an abundance of subs in already, but how about this? You used to be an effective dom. She could learn from you. If you use your talents on one of those already craving sweet, sweet punishment, then I will personally see to giving you what you crave afterwards. Yes? Will you put on a bit of a show with me, for all the exhibitionists and voyeurs already in my dungeon?"

Hesitating, Dunstan cast a look at Kalyna, scanning her expression for disapproval or resistance, but she admitted, "Both sides are part of you. I want to know all of you. Show me."

He nodded, putting the red mask back in his pocket and pulling out the black one instead, which he tugged over his eyes. The mask made the glowing amber and honey of his irises seem all the more fiery; breathtakingly intense, and Kalyna thought again that he was beautiful. The most beautiful man she'd ever seen.

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