Chapter Sixteen - Sensitive

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Even after she'd showered and wrapped herself in a towel again, she waited so long for Dunstan's return that she gave up on standing in his bathroom and returned his bedroom instead, to perch on the edge of the bed where she'd spent the night. Her eyes flicked around the room, noting the amount of grey in it; grey bedding, slate carpet, even pale bluish grey walls. It felt even more crypt like than her room, and she wouldn't have been surprised to learn that he hadn't decorated at all since he moved in.

The only real colour in the room came from the shelves of books, LPs, cassette tapes, and CDs that lined one wall. He liked music, apparently. When she braved standing up to look over his music collection, she was unsurprised to find it heavy on rock and metal, from classic rock to industrial metal and everything in-between. He had several albums of classical music too, and she wondered how many styles of music he'd witnessed come and go in his extraordinarily long life. Had he met anyone famous? Any great composer or cultural icon?

She probably seemed like a stupid child to him, her life a blink of they eye compared to all his centuries. Was she anything more than that really? Anything more than a silly girl playing games in a darkness that she hadn't even started to comprehend.

That musing kept her frozen in place, staring at Dunstan's music collection, right until his door opened and she jumped away from his shelves as though she'd been electrocuted. She didn't want him to think she'd been snooping. Although that anxiety slid from her mind as Corporal Maloney followed Eorl back into his room. Kalyna flinched, tugging the bath towel more tightly around herself and wishing she had thought to hide the pile of last night's clothes, which seemed far too incriminating.

Idiot. You're in his room in a bath towel. She's going to be fully aware of what happened last night.

At least Dunston had dressed before he left on his errands, and his camo print uniform replaced his joggers, hiding away scars and tattoos alike. Unfortunately, he hadn't seen fit to warn Maloney about their tryst in advance, and the poor woman looked between Kalyna and the pile of discarded clothing in surprise.

The Corporal's jaw tensed and she turned to Eorl in frustration, stating, "This is a terrible idea."

"It was a one off," he said, and Kalyna felt heat flood her cheeks as shame coursed through her. Despite agreeing to that the night before, he still made her feel... discarded.

"That's why it's a bad idea, Dun," Maloney answered, shaking her head. "This has got 'potential disaster' written all over it."
"It was just sex," he insisted, with no hint of shame.

"It's rarely just sex. You'd be an idiot for thinking it was, and I know you aren't an idiot," she retorted, frowning at him. "She isn't a stranger in some alley behind a bar, or a stranger in a mask at a swingers' club. This is someone you have to work with. Someone you're supposed to be mentoring."

He did at least glare at Charani for that remark, and Kalyna wondered if he often fucked strangers in alleys or swinger's clubs. She scowled at the thought, then kicked herself when she realised the possibility caused a flare of jealousy which he'd feel.

"Did you get me clothes?" she asked, her tone angrier than she intended.

Dunstan deposited another holdall next to her, like the one they'd taken from the store cupboard the day before, and stated, "There's a spare uniform in there. That will do until Char checks you out and we see the Major. Then we'll decide whether you're up to physical training or if a lecture theatre would be better."

"I don't need you to make any special accommodations for me," she snapped as she picked up the bag.

"Good," he answered, his face expressionless. "I'm pleased to hear it, recruit."

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