Chapter Twenty-Nine - A Request

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If Kalyna had garnered curiosity and whispers walking through the compound as the recruit who bit Eorl or who climbed into his bed, it was nothing compared to the curiosity and whispers she earned by looking like she'd lost a battle with a high-speed train. Every time someone passed by, eyes widened in shock and horror, brows shot towards hairlines, and whispers followed in their wake.

Even Eorl's glare hadn't silenced the whispers, and a group of trainees had almost seemed about to pick a fight, stalking towards them, at least until the saw the state of Kalyna's face and smelled the blood still seeping from cuts that pulled open as she moved. They blanched at the sight of her, doubts playing across their expressions, and she realised they had likely been about to defend James Price.

Lifting her chin, she cast a defiant look in their direction, and felt relieved when they thought better of intercepting her. Hopefully, by the end of the day, no one would find Price's actions defensible. He had given her up, knowing that his maker would kill her at best, and everything that followed was so much worse. People needed to see that; to see what had been done to her.

Still, she hated the attention others bestowed on her, especially as she struggled to walk, more and more so with every step. By the time they reached the Major's office, she felt thoroughly irritated and thoroughly exhausted. When Dunstan knocked on the Major' door, she leaned against the wall, needing the extra support even though she didn't want to admit as much.

"Come in," the Major called from within, and Dunstan pushed open the door, ushering her inside.

Saluting Marcellus Nerva, Eorl announced, "Major, O'Cuinn-Lyall has some information about her kidnappers which she'd like to share, Sir."

Kalyna saluted too, though she had no idea if she should as she'd technically left the OTF having just joined. Or had Marcelkus Nerva considered her AWOL as well? She didn't know, and it seemed unimportant anyway.

"You should still be in a hospital bed," the Major pointed out, his citrine gaze sliding over her as though he could see every aching wound.

Even as fast as her body was healing, it still had extensive damage. A human would've died. Hell, she'd died, and her heart still hadn't started beating. While a mortal would require months of physical therapy to recover from even a small number of her injuries, she'd likely be as good as new within a week. Physically, at least. But she wasn't there yet.

"For goodness' sake, take a seat before you fall down," Marcellus Nerva encouraged, then turned to Dunstan, demanding, "Why isn't she in a hospital bed? Or a wheelchair at least?"

"Because I do not want to be, Sir," Kalyna answered without giving Dunstan a chance to speak on her behalf. "Anyway, my naysayers have more chance of understanding if they see me than if they don't. Either way, I'm not willing to looker weaker than them."

The Major's brows jumped slightly, and he tipped his head as his scrutiny intensified. She felt Dunstan's gaze on her too, and when she chanced a look at him, his lips twitched as though struggling to suppress a smile.

"I fear you will be a bad influence on our Staff Sergeant," the Major stated, clearly thinking the same. Nonetheless, he leaned back in his chair without reprimanding Dunstan, and indicated to the chairs opposite instead. "Please, sit, both of you. You're making the place look untidy."

They took their seats, and Kalyna barely let Marcellus Nerva open his mouth before she burst into her spiel.

"The people who captured me took me to what they called a 'production facility'. The basement was set up as a dungeon of sorts where they held fae prisoners. They were draining their blood to sell as a drug, they said, but I also saw one of them rape the fae woman who shared my cell. They keep their prisoners chained up, naked, unable to move at all, with cannulas in their arms. They don't even let them use a toilet... They just hosed us down..."

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