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i sobbed into his shirt as he stayed quiet, hugging me tighter everytime i had to catch my breath because of my constant crying.

"i'm sorry" i said, finally giving in, not being stubborn anymore.

i didn't keep my promise to myself when saying "i'll stay stubborn" earlier this evening.

my hand were wrapped around his neck, and his hand were were under my arms, whilst one was supporting my head.

i never felt so safe in a hug before.

he picked me up effortlessly, which shocked me.

he tried to pull away to make eye contact but i wouldn't let that happen with my wet, bloodshot eyes.

i just clinged into him as he realised i wasn't going to pull away, so he just continued to hug me again.

we hugged for some slight moments until the door opened and closed again.

i didn't know who it was.

(martinus pov)

i turned around to face the door, as y/n still cried into my shoulder.

it was marcus, and he was so confused.

"is she okay?" he mouthed, pointing at her.

i nodded yes, as her head finally lifted.

she looked at marcus who looked at her.

"marcus-" she said catching her breath as she unwrapped her legs from my hips-

-it was my sign she wanted to get off of me, so i placed her on the ground as she went to marcus and hugged him too.

i could tell she was hurt and that she needed that hug from both of us.

i could tell we really did hurt her if she was holding back all those emotions at the beginning of tonight.

(y/n pov)

i ran to marcus and hugged him.

another amazing hug that i needed for so long, and no, it's not like i don't hug my mum, it's just-

i wanted the hug from them. and only them. and i was so happy when i did hug them.

it was silent, but it was a comfortable silence.

we eventually let go of eachother as i looked down to wipe my tears.

"oh my god i probably look awful" i said, making my way to the window so i could see my reflection in it.

"you don't" martinus said, as i heard the door close and the bed slightly creaking.

i didn't bother facing them.

"don't worry y/n" marcus said.

i wiped my tears again, now turning around and leaning on the window sill with my red nose and plump lips from crying.

they both looked at me, martinus was blushing, so was marcus.

"you've changed" marcus started.

"so did you, but i'm used to it since i saw it all on a screen" their faces now getting serious.

"about that..." marcus said as he caught martinus' eye.

they were panicking slightly, not knowing what to say.

i got a text message as they were trying to figure out what to say, but the contrario. caught their attention and they watched me pick up my phone.

Lukas: heyyyy

i smiled at his text message, replying to him.

i noticed them both staring at me. marcus was a bit curious, martinus on the other hand was a bit frustrated.

i sent a "hiiiii" back, and turned my phone off.

"sorry" i said, placing my phone down.

"um-" marcus said as martinus stared at him.

"i know martinus tried to explain, but let me elaborate"

i gave him the motion to carry talking.

"we don't have much to say but to apologise, we were busy talking with fans and stuff, and we want to apologise for not replying"

"right... because i thought i was pretty important to you guys, we've known eachother all our lives and suddenly we lose contact over phone"

"no, you are really important to us y/n.." marcus said.

"it was just-" martinus begun.

"just what?" i snapped.

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