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"i didn't know you were that talented-" marcus begun.

i laughed "i gave it my all"

"yeah, i could tell"

"i hope i'll place at least"

"oh trust me you will, the other entries were horrible" martinus begun.

"don't be so rude martinus!" marcus said.

"oh marcus so you're going to tell me those entries were good?"


"exactly, there were terrific.."

"were they?" i asked.

"absolutely, they couldn't even stay in sync at all!"

we all laughed, but we're interrupted.

"1 2 3... okay, everyone gather back to your seats and could all the entries come on stage and sit in their groups"

"good luck y/n" marcus said walking away, leaving me and martinus.

"im rooting for you" martinus said, slightly smirking and giving me a forehead kiss.

oh. my. god.

i was blushing so much but i had to get on stage, so i ran back onto stage and sat on my own in the corner.

"okay let's begin.." one of the judges says.

"last place.."
"second last"
"third last"
"fourth last.."

the juries all took their time with accounting the last places, i was even surprised when they were announcing the last places, did they not feel bad?

"fifth last..."
"sixth last..."
"seventh last.."

i was so shocked to place in the top three

"now let's begin with the top 3"

"third place will receive a certificate and a bronze medal, second will recieve the same but a silver medal and the first place will recieve a 2000 norwegian krone gift card to the mall and a golden metal with a certificate!"

"third place, one of our soloists..."

i stiffened up, and got nervous.

all relief came when the other girl won third place.

"second place..."


"group no6"

the group went up and i realised i won, my jaw dropped as i covered my mouth.

i looked at martinus and marcus, and they were already cheering.

"and first place... soloist no2"

everyone cheered as i went up to get my certificate, medal and gift card.

"any words y/n?" the jury saidc, handing me the microphone.

"thank you so so much,
thank you to my dance group and my teacher, without her i wouldn't know how to dance so thank you!" everyone cheered as i handed back the microphone.

"that's all for today! thank you" the lights went dim on the stage and lightened up in the audience.

i went backstage and grabbed my coat and bag and stuff.

i noticed my phone was ringing.



"hi martinus"

"we will wait outside, it's pretty dark and i don't want you walking alone"

"no it's okay martinus just go-"

"no y/n, me and marcus are waiting outside, see you soon" the call ended

wow; he was pretty overprotective.

i put my north face coat on and put my shoulder bag over my shoulder.

i started to leave school and saw marcus and martinus by the gates.

and he was correct, it was pretty dark.

i walked up to them, hands in my pockets and walking quickly with small steps.

"you didn't bring anything to change into" martinus asked, noticing my bare legs, i had only worn the shorts i performed in.

"no i didn't, i didn't think it would end so late"

he sighed as marcus came to my right and he was on my left.

we started to walk home, martinus slightly picking up his pace as we walked.

"come on you're gonna get sick" he said, interrupting mine and marcus' conversation about my school life since they left.

"i'm not even going my way home" i realised when i was going in the completely opposite direction.

martinus stopped realising.

"it doesn't matter, i'll get you home afterwards"

"what? i need to get back to MY home" i stopped walking.

"y/n, you're going to get a cold" marcus said.

"exactly, come" martinus said, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me to his house.

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