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we ended up at their house, martinus dragging me up the stairs as if i were his pet or something.

"why are you so aggressive" i said, coughing.

he turned around looking at me as if i were dumb.

"i told you you'd get a cold, here" he said, looking into his wardrobe and giving me a pair of his sweatpants.

"what's this for?"

"change into them"

"why, i'm literally gonna go home"

he sighed.

"okay, go"

i didnt hesitate at all and grabbed the door handle.

before i could even push down, my hand was pulled my martinus, and we ended up really close.

he was staring into my eyes as i was staring into his.

"you want a cold?" i said, ruining the moment.

he sighed, "you ruin everything"

"what?" i said.

"you ruin everything, i try to do something but you fuck it up"

"what were you trying to do?"

he stayed quiet.

"doesn't matter" he said.

"ok, bye" i said, quickly handling the door open and running downstairs.

obviously he caught on.

i was just by the front door and i was about to open it until martinus caught my arm and turned me around.

"what do you want?" i snapped.

then we saw marcus coming down the stairs.

"marcus, tell your brother to leave me alone" i said quickly.

"leave her alone-"

"i'm just trying to help!" martinus snapped.

"you clearly fucking aren't, just let me go"

he sighed.

"okay! i'm not responsible for anything that's going to happen to you when you leave this house" he unlocked the door and motioned me to leave, and so i did.

it was pitch black, and only ongoing cars were the only source of light for me

i walked quickly, it was really cold and scary.

i expected martinus to take me home, but obviously i'd make him but in the smallest way possible.

(martinus pov)

i pushed her out of the door, immediately regretting it.

"your crazy" marcus said, the second i shut the door.

"it's her fault!"

"what is her fault? the fact that she wanted to go home and not be in our house? she had every right to want to go home but obviously you had the brightest fucking idea in trofors to take her home, and YES, you are responsible for what happens next"

"no i'm not" i ran upstairs.

i still regret what happened.

i shut the door to my room, y/ns perfume was everywhere in my room, and it smelt so good, but i didn't want to eventually get a headache from the fragrance, so i opened my window which led in a cold wind.

i sat back down on my bed, just looking up at the ceiling.

oh good, i was so wrong for my actions.

i heard something sizzling downstairs, it was probably marcus cooking something.

but then i heard something i wish i never heard.

a loud scream from the street, it sounded like y/n.

"HELP" was what the scream mumbled, before i heard a car engine drive of recklessly.

my body jumped off of the bed and i RAN downstairs.

i didn't bother putting my coat on.

i just ran, hoping i'd still be able to see y/n.

i ran to the main road where there was only one car in the distance.

i couldn't tell what it was since it was so dark

then another person appeared behind me, it was marcus.

"where is she?" he mumbled, breathing heavily.

"i don't know" i started to tear up.

"WHAT ARE YOU BOYS DOING? GET BACK INSIDE" we heard our dad say.

we ran back

"Y/NS GONE" marcus shouted as we ran for the front door.



"WHAT?" our dad shouted.

"yeah, she was in the house, but your stupid son pushed her out onto the street to go home on her own"

"martinus are you crazy?" my dad shouted at me.

"why was she here?"

"i wanted to get her home safely after that dance competition she won, but i wanted to take her home so she can change since she was only wearing shorts, she said she just wanted to get home and i didn't want her to get a cold and i got mad"


me and marcus came inside, i ran to my room, praying to god she's going to be okay.

i heard a phone call from downstairs.

family friend (reader x martinus)Where stories live. Discover now