Chapter 15

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My hermit crab just died :( Im really gonna miss Bubba. He out lived the others, Hermy, Diamond and Tiger. They were all special to me. But hey, im going on vacation again, I'll just get 4 more!!!

Chapter Fifteen

He is officially dead to me. 3806, 3807, 3808, 3809, 3810 steps and I've only been walking for like a half hour. I was lost and cold. I haven't spotted a taxi or any car for that fact. It's all his fault anyway. If he didn't try to get close to me, none of this would have happened. I would have been home chilling with Mercy and he would have been with some floozy or 'studying' his school work. Well I don't care Im pissed!

I continued walking for a while but still nothing looked familiar to me. I couldn't check the time or look for a GPS on my phone because it died about 3 miles back. It probably wouldn't have gotten any service anyway. My feet started hurting and my back was killing me. I felt like an old person. I felt like my mother after a hard day at work. I slowed my pace as I noticed some familiar lights. I was near the pier!!! Now I know where I was at. I was only 40 minutes away from my comfy bed. I walked quickly so I could lay down and kick my shoes off.

I have officially arrived home. Halfway here I asked for the time and it was almost 2 in the morning! I was lost for over 4 hours! I calmed myself down and walked through the door but was greeted by the sensei herself.

"You're late." she said simply.

"I was lost."

"Weren't you with Ryan?" she asked clearly confused.

"Who? Oh! You mean the idiotic jerk who left me in the parking lot to walk home!" I screamed.

"He did what!"

I just walked around her and started my way upstairs listening to her mumble under her breath.

'I"ll kill him. I'll stab him with my sewing needles. No one makes my baby girl walk home!'

Now she wants to be a supportive-protective parent. I walked into my room and immediately stripped down and took a shower. With the water pouring down I thought I heard fumbling outside the door but wasn't really sure because my head was submerged under the water. I decided I had enough so I stepped out and dried off. I slipped into my Pj's and walked into my room. My feet ache and my head is starting to hurt and my back is killing me even more than before. I knew I was right because I heard fumbling from my closet.

"Mom get out! Im not talking to you about it!" I screamed at her.

But instead of a simple response my mother walked in with a murderous look upon her face.

"Which needle is sharper?" She asked. She really does want to kill him.

"The big one." She just smiled widely and walked out.

I turned my light out hoping I could forget about noises. Just as I was walking towards my bed, my closet door flung open and I was hit on impact. I was being crushed and I was struggling. I was scared. I couldn't see the face but I knew it was a male. Attack, Crush, Struggle. Those 3 words related to 1 person. James (Mercy's dad). Now I feared for my life. Before I could scream bloody murder his lips were placed on mine. Now I was terrified. I was just about to start crying when he started speaking to me.

"Im sorry Ronnie. So sorry. I didn't mean to leave you. I didn't mean to get so mad. I just wanted you to see how kind and loving I could be. Im sorry Ronnie." His voice broke at the end of his sentence.

I stood completely frozen. He was apologizing for being mean to me when I was the one being mean. Then without any other words he stepped back and crawled out the window and headed to his car that was suprisingly parked close to the house.

I stood there still in shock and slightly scared. Ryan can be nice and funny when he wants to be. Sometimes I wondered who's really ther jerk. Him? Or Me?

That's all I got so peace!


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