Chapter 7

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Hello!!!!!!! Long time no see.......Im posting this chapter only because I need you guys to wish me luck tomorrow. I have an exhibition nightat my school and I have to present a sample of my work from each class to parents, teachers, other staff, and the board of school education. So please wish me the best of luck♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Chapter Seven

I've made up my mind. Im not going to say anything. Im going to get to the bottom of this, I repeated in my head. Right now im walking through the halls on my way to class trying to figure out why Ryan still needs me when his work is almost finished. Im halfway to the class room when I hear the clicking and clacking of someone's heels. 'Here we go again' I thought.

"Rocky!" Not this again...

"Its Ronnie!" I screamed not even looking back at her.

"Whatever. Just listen up. I order you to stay away from Ryan or else." she said.

"Or else what? Hmmmm?" I smirked at her.

Stella stood there with a blank look on her face an- oh wait! That's her thinking face! From what I can see, not much is going on up there.

"Just stay away from him." she said while walking away.

What? Anyway, I turned back around and walked to my class. When I got there I was shocked. Ryan and his friends were the first ones in the class room, and they were....STUDYING??? I looked around the room, making sure I wasn't being punk'd- but surely there was Ms. Ack sitting at her desk galring hard at the studying boys. 'I wonder what she did to get then to do that?' I thought. I think I got my answer when I saw one of Ryan's friends, Luke, wiping his eyes and sniffling while reading through a biology text book. Oh Ms. Ack :)

"Hello Veronica, how are you this morning?" She asked me.

"Im fine Ms. Ackerman. Thank you." I replied calmly, even though I wanted to laugh.

I had just started heading to the back of the room towards my desk when I remembered something. The book bag. I walked over to Ryan and tapped his shoulder. The only thing he did was shrug his shoulder like nothing happened. So I tapped him again, and he did the same thing. This is getting frustrating. I took the book bag off my shouders and threw it over his head, landing in front of him with a loud thump. It took Ryan a moment to recognize what was in front of him until he shouted,

"Please tell me you didn't go through my book bag!"

"Now why would I want to look through your old, ratty, tatty book bag?" Lies.

"Good. Although I did have fun going through yours.' he said smirking at me.

"What did you take?" I yelled in his face. Everybody else in the room stopped what they were doing to look at us.

"Lets just say my hospital bill will be paid off without a problem due to your violent acts." he said still smirking. Oooo, I just want to wipe that smirk off hi- wait?

"You took my money!" I yelled at him completely furious.

He bent down and picked up my book bag laughing. He then threw it at me, almost knocking me over. Yea, my book bag was extremely heavy. It consisted of 4 textbooks, 7 folders, 12 pencils and pens, calculator, ruler, highlighters, and the rest of the works.

"Why would you do that?"

"It's called payback," he said while pionting to his still slightly bruised face.

"you broke my face, I broke your bank. It's a win win sitiation!" he finished.

"You mean situation?" I questioned. I was getting ready to say something when Ms. Ack spoke up.

"Ryan, do you need to take a few vocabulary test too?" she asked.

"No need. My vocabulary is just fine." he bragged.

"So you know all the steps of 'metoses' now?" I asked him in a babyish voice.

He turned a strange shade of red before mumbling into his book bag.

Ha. That's what I thought.

The rest of my classes flew by again and I left the school doing my happy dance. Why? Becasue It's Monday and I don't have to tutor 'it'. So, I went to find Mercy. I spotted her over by the gates getting ready to leave.

"Mercy! Wanna hang out?" I said out of breath.

"Well...." she dragged on. I gave her a pleading look.

"I though you would never ask! Of course." she smiled.

I finally get to hang out with my best friend in the whole world withou any distractions. After 35 minutes, we made it to my house. I opened to the front door and yelled to my mom I was home.

"In here!" she yelled back.

Mercy followed close behind me. She doesn't reall like my mom and my mom doesn't really like her. We rounded the corner and I stopped dead in my tracks causing Mercy to bump into me from behind. mercy peaked over my shoulder to see what I was looking at and burst out laughing.

"Just when you thought you were free." she breathed out between her hysterical laughter.

Yup. You guessed it. Ryan was sitting crossed legged on my living room floor with a fluffy pink hat my mother put on him. I would be laughing to, but I want to know why he's here. No scratch that. How'd he know where I live?

"Ok Ryan. Thanks for your help." my mother said taking the hat off his head. Ryan stood up looking petrified because of my mother. She has the tendency to do that to people.

"Why are you here?" I asked a little aggitated.

"Look, I know it's a Monday but I need your help." he begged. Liar.

"Fine 1hr., but that's it. Follow me." I said walking up to my room.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow I guess." said a smirking Mercy.

"Where do you think you're going? You're staying to help me with this Idiot." I yelled.

Ryan's mouth was dropped open to the ground. "Yea, I said it!" I yelled at him.

All 3 of us worked our way upstairs to my room when Mercy asked,

"Why do I have to stay?"

"You're here so you're staying," I said simply.

"Im not working with this idiot alone today," I quickly turned to Ryan who looked offended and said "And yea, much offense!"


Ther you have it! Wish me luck my yummy gummies!


Sincerely, Your Chewy leader

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