Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

     The day was going by slower than usual and Ryan kept glaring at me with pure hatred. What was with him? It was just a little text book, well maybe not 'little' but it couldn't alot of damage. i finally got iritated and mouthed 'what?' to him. He didn't move or blink for the matter. I kept waving my hands hoping to get his attention from across the room. But it wasn't working. So again, I picked up the closet thing to me and chucked it at his head when the teacher turned around. Awwww... I needed that pencil! The pencil hit him right in the middle of his face. He snapped right out of his trance and pressed his hands to his nose. Why? Let's just say I sharpened the pencil enough. He immediately started hissing rom the pain. Come on! It's a pencil for fracks sake! I may be haevy handed but anybody could have taken that.

Everyone in the class stopped what they were doing at looked at Ryan. I had to admit it was a pretty funny sight. His eyes were watering, his hands covered his nose, and don't forget the huge bruise on his head. Bad week Ry Ry? Ry Ry, where did that come from? Before the teacher could say anything the bell rang, signaling us to get out and go home. Sadly I had a tutoring session. I collected my stuff and ran out the door. Headed to my locker, I was met with a very confused Mercy. " I have a feeling that Ryan's accident was no accident." she said with a suspicious tone. " He claimed to have walked into a wall in the middle of the night." Lies. " Well he must really be an idiot!" I didn't want to tell her the truth because she would probably think I had started some sort of friendship with Ryan. Not gonna happen.

"So wanna hang out tonight?" she asked. "Su- Oh wait! I can't I have tutoring tonight." I saw a flash, of something I couldn't put my finger on, mask her face for a split second. " Well, no problem. Maybe another time then." Yea maybe. I walked out of the gates to the school and started my journey home. On the way, I was walking at a fast pace. I've read those stories when some girl walks slow she hears footsteps and is suddenly kidnapped! So I picked up speed real fast. I made it home just before 5:00. I ran up to my room changed into a dark blue sweat shirt and sweat pants that were lying around my room. Note To Self--- clean room. I grabbed my back pack and made my way outside, to the bus stop, to Ryan's house.

I walked up to the huge door and rang the door bell. Deja vu much? This time my principal answered the door with a smirk on his face. " Hello Veronica. Nice to see you again." he said. " You too Sir." I said with a small nod. " Ryan's up in his room so go on up." "Thanks." I started walking towards the stairs when Lenard(Principal) said " Veronica? If possible, please restrain yourself from throwing heavy objects at him. The boy already has alot on his mind. We don't need brain damage to take that al away." Alot on his mind? That's a first. " Will do!" With that, I turned around and made my way up the stairs. When I reached his door, I knocked very lightly. In a quick second the door swung open revealing a frantic Ryan. Here we go. AGAIN!


I had just finshed reading one of my favorite books, Watchers by Dean Koontz, when I heard a faint knock. She's here already? I quickly threw the book behind my bed and stood up and practically ran to the door. She was gonna pay for what she did to me last night and earlier this afternoon. I swung open the door to reveal a very bored looking Ronnie. Ronnie? I mean Veronica. Where the hell did that come from? Whatever. Let the games begin!

Well there you have it. I know the chapter's dialogue is messed up but im too lazy to fix it.

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