Chapter 17

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I forgot I had to do this tonight so now im pissed. I cant sleep because this needed to be uploaded. Im telling you now its gonna be suckish until I can add a new part tomorrow. Yup! You heard me chapter 18 will be up by tomorrow night. It'll make up for this piece of crap down there |     |

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Thats my arrow if you didnt know


Chapter Seventeen

I found out that there's a bus that could take me to that crappy restaurant Ryan took me too. Why didn't I notice it before when I had to walk home? Anyway I continued walking towards the parking lot when I spotted a hunched over figure leaning against the building.


His head shot up and he gave me a small sad smile before putting his head back down. I finally reached him and fell down next to him panting heavily because im out of breath.

"Usually girls don't breathe like that until im finished with them." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Thats it im outta here." I said getting up.

"Wait! Im sorry, dont go." He said as he grabbed onto my arm pulling me back to the ground.

He just has to ruin everything. I came here to apologize and talk to him and he's being a perv.

"Listen I-" We both started like the people in those typical cliche movies.

"Veronica Im so sorry. I didn-----" He couldn't finish his sentence because I tackled him into a huge hug.

"Don't apologize. Im the only one who has to apologize. Im sorry for being cold to you. Im sorry for not letting you in. Im sorry for causing you mental pain. And physical pain too." I rushed out.

"You are forgiven. I was never mad at you just myself." He said.

We just sat there hugging each other telling secrets. Mine were about things I'd done when I was little or things about me and Mercy. Ryan's secrets were all about me. I was a little uncomfortable at first but then I began to loosen up like I'd been friends with him for years. We sat in the parking lot for hours before we decided to leave.

Ryan gave me a ride home since I took the bus here and I was out of cash. Before I got out of the car I gave Ryan a quick hug. In return Ryan gave me a quick peck on the lips before he turned around smiling like a maniac. I opened the car door and stepped out on to  the side walk. Before he pulled off I said to him,

"You know your dad is gonna kill you right?" 

His only response was 'crap' before he said bye and pulled off.

Ryan was no longer a jerk to me. He was someone else. Someone better. Someone closer to me.

Thats all you get for the night. Im tired. I promised you i'll make up for this chapter with the next chapter tomorrow and i keep promises. Its a crappy chapter but you wont have to wait long. Goodnight my annoying Gummies!!!!!!!

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