Chapter 21

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########### I have officially ran out of ideas for this book :( This is the last chapter, sadly. I will have a new book coming out but it's not, I repeat NOT a sequel to this.##############################

It's been almost a year since Ryan asked me out. Our date was the beginning of something new. Ryan is now a big part of my life now, an annoying part, but still a big part. Mercy has grown to like, I mean tolerate, him more. They can be in the same room for more than 2 hours without coming at each other's throats. My mother's attention is no longer on Ryan. She's now focused on the new neighbor's 16 year old son. She's so going to jail

Right now I'm sitting on Ryan's bed thinking about all the good time that happened in here. Not those kind of good times! Just thinking about how we became close after all the abuse and many blows to the head. I glanced over to the window and saw the boy that I couldn't stand but loved deeply squinting at the tattered book in his hands. Ever since I became his tutor, his grades began to improve. But since I became his girlfriend, yes girlfriend, he has taken a greater interest in his studies. Only because he wants to keep up with me, which is highly impossible. 

I'm guessing he could feel my gaze.

"Watcha thinking 'bout?"

"Hitting you."

His body tensed up and he slowly closed his book. He sat up slowly and turned his whole body towards me.

"I'm kidding."

"No you're not." He's right.

We both turned our heads when we heard his bedroom door open. There stood Mercy, grinning like the Cheshire Cat himself.

"Study Time!!!", and she practically dog piled me.

I forgot to mention, I also became Mercy's tutor. Not by the principal's choice and definitely not by my choice. It was all Mercy. I had no say.

"How did you get in my house?" Ryan asked walking from the window to the bed where we currently sat.

"Rachel, deary, you should know never to doubt my abilities."

"For the last time woman, it was a mistake!"

See what had happened was that when Ryan and I went on our first date, he was so nervous he made the reservation for 'Rachel' instead of 'Ryan'. And with Mercy being Mercy, she came on our date, just not to our knowledge of her being there. I mean full on hiding in the bushes. When she heard the argument between the greeter and Ryan, she practically pissed herself laughing, falling out of the bushes in the process. The greeter kept telling Ryan that he didn't need to be ashamed of his name.There were many boys out in  the world with female names. He tried to argue back but gave up when he noticed that we were causing a scene.

"Okay, a mistake. Gotcha. Rachel." She mumbled that last part.

"That's it!" He stood up and grabbed Mercy by the legs and threw her over his shoulder, leaving the room in the process. They made their way downstairs and out to the front yard where they wrestled around in the dirt and grass. I stayed upstairs but opened the window to witness the fight. You know, in case I had to testify. As II watched them fight I thought about what would have happened if all of this never happened. Ryan would still be stupid, Mercy would still be Mercy, and I would probably be a lonely girl with only 27 followers on instagram, one of them being her mother. Over the year, our friendship has grown. I love these guys to death. Equally, even though one is my bestfriend and one is my boyfriend.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by Mercy's shrilling voice.

"You anteater pissing jerk!"

I focused my attention back on the 2 in the yard and saw that Ryan got hold of the hose and turned it on Mercy. Foolish boy.

"As soon as I get a dry shirt I'm going to take that hose and tie you up with it and continuously slap you with your own underwear."

"Kinky. I like it!" He retorted.

Mercy walked over to where her car was parked. Well, where it was supposed to be parked.

"Dude! Where's my car!?" she squeaked.

"Well, Mighty Mouse Mercy, if you turn your attention over here to this beautiful sign. It clearly says, 'To all vehicle owners, please be sure to put your cars in park. All residences reside on hills and we are not responsible for any damages done to the vehicle or it's surroundings.' 

Mercy's jaw dropped as he read the sign. Clear disbelief on her face.

Ryan then turned back to her. "Shocking? Guess you should go find your car right?"

"That's not why I'm shocked." She turned to look up at me.



"Did you know that this jerk could read?" She screeched.

And that's how round 2 started between them. I just had to smile at the scene below me. My bestfriend. My boyfriend. And even my mother lurking in the bushes with what seems to be a parking brake. Guess she's still not over the whole bleach incident.


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